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  1. M

    Can it be real?

    We have our two mare/foal pairs in a 1/8 acre dry lot with shelter at night. During the day we turn them out on a acre pasture. Tried to turn out on the 12 acre pasture but have a couple mares that are butts. One is a mare that aborted her colt and is just reestablishing her dominance. The other...
  2. M

    Can it be real?

    The last is not true. Most of our Miniature mares don't have a foal heat. They have a baby at their side and just won't come into heat. Also we like to wait. Give the mare time to heal and get body parts back in order. We have had several mares that would not come into heat until weaned from...
  3. M

    Can it be real?

    Yes but I have had two different maiden mares foal healthy foals at 354 and 355 days. Also have had a maiden foal at 319 days and than went to 342 days with her second. I have three mares right now that are 310, 309, and 308, all have had foals before. The 310 day mare is almost fully bagged up...
  4. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    She is a young mare. This would have been her second foal. She was fine with her first foal. She is also on the bottom of the pecking order, so can get pushed around when feeding. This winter was colder so I think that was part of the problem. She is getting the year off to just graze.
  5. M

    Can it be real?

    To give you an idea. This mare is a maiden and is 342 days. She has been growing her milk bar for six weeks. She shows no sign of foaling.
  6. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    In some ways it was best. I noticed Fabs was a little underweight. We had been giving her unlimited hay, alfalfa pellets, and mare & foal. After foaling she was more underweight than we thought. She is out in the pasture so should plump up in no time. She is on the list of not being bred this...
  7. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    I like him too. Can't wait to clip him and see whats under that thick baby fuzz! It's like a inch thick.
  8. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Unfortunately and sadly Fabs lost her buckskin pinto filly last night. Still have four mares to go. This has been a very rough year for us.
  9. M

    Can it be real?

    I kbow there is a way to resize pictures, I just don't know how. Maybe someone else will let you know. I know how to resize pictures on my phone, which is what I use.
  10. M

    Can it be real?

    Get a picture from the side and behind at her level. Also a picture of her milk bar. Roughly takes 6 weeks for the bag to fill but not always.
  11. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Last but not least is Feather. She is bred to Magic Mans Top Ticket. We can't wait for this baby. She is black tobiano splash sabino. He is smoky black sabino LWO+. She has been tested and is LWO-. She is 301 days and has no start of a bag either. We will be breeding later next year and only...
  12. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    After her is Wind. She is bred to LK Buckeroo Zipit. She is 302 days and has no start to a bag. Her and Feather are still in the dry lot. Once the weather warms up they will be brought in the barn. The two mares and their babies will be sent out to the dry lot. Just not been warm enough for the...
  13. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Next three up are now over 300 day, so going to add them to the line up. First is Princess (had a silver black filly by LK Buck Magnificent). She is bred to our cremello stallion, Wisteria GMB Dreams Come True, so guaranteed palomino. She is 303 days and has really bagged up in the last week...
  14. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Fabs is supposed to be the next one in line, but I think she has decided to stay pregnant indefinitely! She foaled at 319 days last year, she is at 340 days today. She is relaxed in the backend but still needs to fill some more in the milk bar. Flutterby is at 335 day. She is a maiden, so could...
  15. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Picasso is 10 days old. He is coming around to liking people. He is all boy. Loves to run and play. Party Girl is a spunky diva. She loves to run and play. She is also a little talker. At this time, both foals are retained.
  16. M

    Post/Share your 2018 Mini Horse Foals - Photos & Videos Welcome!

    Sorry for the late update. After a rough start to our foaling season (two mares aborting and one mare losing her colt to a red bag than prolapsing (had to euthanize)) we have two healthy foals on the ground. On April 10, Piney Woods Iniki Puzzle (HZ tobiano LWO+) gave us a gorgeous smoky black...
  17. M

    Baby Pictures!!!

    If you meature his front leg from the coronet band to the middle of his knee, than multiply by four and add two; it will give you a idea how tall he will mature. So, it you get 7", you multiply by four and add 2. Gives you 30 inches. Baby than would be between 28-30 inches at maturity.
  18. M

    Hello all! I'm looking for a little bit of advice about my lil potbellly girl..

    You can always have a blood test done by your vet if not too pricey.
  19. M

    Hello all! I'm looking for a little bit of advice about my lil potbellly girl..

    Also the watery liquid with poop may be the green grass. The grass is coming in and the sugar level may be higher. Of she is not used to the grass, it may giving her the loose stools. We have most of our horses out on pasture year round. I noticed one of our yearlings had soft stools. It was...