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  1. M

    baby Oliver

    Can't help you with the eyes but he looks close to the color of a couple of our foals last year and three years ago. The coming three year old was the same color as sire and he is a silver smoky black. Last years fillies are both silver black (dapple). One looks like she will have dapples and...
  2. M

    Pregnancy Care

    The nudging and pushing on udder is the babies way of getting mom to let down her milk. Same as you would see a calf butt the moms bag. Mom's bag looks fine. Baby may be emptying because she nurses so much. Also the mare may not be releasing her milk when you try because you are not her baby...
  3. M

    Pregnancy Care

    At least you get to see a baby run around. Still waiting on ours. Have five mares over 300 days with one being 346 days (first day in with stallion). She was only in with stallion seven days, so the least days she could be is 340.
  4. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Foals will switch nipples as nursing but you may want to consult a vet. After her rough start you don't want anything to set her back. I know with our mares we could express milk. Try getting a picture and let us see what it looks like. She may just not be a Jersey milk cow producer.
  5. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    She keeps slowwwwly filling. This baby better be a flashy spotted baby as long as she has made us wait. The two other mares that are closest are creeping up on her. We were hoping for a St Patrick baby, but time is running out. Her is a picture of her milk bar this morning.
  6. M

    Does she look in foal?

    We were told by our vet last year that the milk replacer would cause the foal not to absorb the colostrum. I would keep an eye on him. As long as he is not getting weak (not getting up or not trying to nurse), I would wait for the vet. At first, the babies will only nurse for short periods...
  7. M

    Shedding Yet?

    Our soon to be moms are shedding like crazy. As well as the stallions including my Paint stallion. Rest of the herd is shedding a little. Our weather has been bouncing up and down for the last 6 weeks. Sunny and 70 one day, the next in the 30's with snow flurries. Crazy weather.
  8. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Fifth mare is Flutterby. She is a Pacific Moonlighting daughter. We have not tested her yet but believe she is a smoky black LWO+ sabino. She has two blue eyes. She will be 300 days on March 16 and has a descent bag starting. She is a tad chubby and this is her first foal. She does not look...
  9. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Fourth mare is Fabs. She had the bay pinto colt last year at 319 days (maiden). She is 302 days today and looks to be in no hurry to foal. Very little bag production. She is bred to our cremello stallion, Casper.
  10. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Third mare is also 305 days today. Her name is Puzzle ( she is a Iniki daughter). She is HZ tobiano and LWO+. She has doubled up ob her bag in the last two days. She last lost her first two babies. First one was do to her getting a viral infection that almost killed her. She pulled through but...
  11. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Second mare up is Rain. She had the silver dapple filly last year. She is bred to our 28" smoky black LWO+ stallion Magic Mans Top Ticket. She is 305 days today. She is starting to get a bag. She foaled last year around 330 days. Looking forward to this baby. We already lost a Ticket baby and...
  12. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    First is Sassy. She is a dun appaloosa (LP/lp) bred to a HZ black appaloosa (LP/lp) stallion, AF Blackhawk. She is 341 days today. Baby is less active. She, at times, is v'd than not. She has been rubbing her butt more often. As of this morning, her vulva is more elongated and slightly swollen...
  13. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    I will try to get pictures tomorrow. First it was cloudy and windy. Today was sunny but breezy. Tomorrow is going to be warmer and not as breezy. All the mares are starting to bag up.
  14. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Congratulations on a gorgeous filly. Miniatures average gestation is 330. Earliest is 300 days. Have talked to a couple breeders that have had viable foals earlier, but not much. Your mare was very close, so I can understand your vet and you feeling she is a tad premature. Hope all goes well...
  15. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Hope she goes for you uneventfully tonight and look forward to checking in tomorrow morning to hearing tou have a new baby. I am still waiting for my mares. Have one at 336 days and finally has a descent bag. Two are at 304 and starting a bag. One is at 301 and not much going on with her (she...
  16. M

    Pregnancy Care

    I would keep a very close eye on her. With what your saying, it is a very likely she will foal tonight. Every mare we have had foal, foal within a few hours of their milk turning to the color of milk.
  17. M

    Does she look in foal?

    From the milk bar picture she still needs to fill more. The nipples will point straight down. Her vulva still needs to elongate and relax. She is still trying to get the baby perfect, so no worries.
  18. M

    Does she look in foal?

    Is this her first foal? Some maidens can go longer. I had two first timers go 354 and 355 days. Alao have heard of some going as long as 365 days with no problems.
  19. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Finally have a start to her bag. She has been V'd most of the day, very relaxed tail, and was really rubbing her butt this morning.First picture is today and second picture is yesterday. Does have edema in front of bag. She is 338 days today. I will get pictures of the next four mares...
  20. M

    Does she look in foal?

    We have a new mare that doesn't like her milk bar area touched. She will swish her tail, strike at her belly, and sway back and forth. The first time I tried to clip her belly, she kept trying to kick the clippers. Tried again about two weeks later and she held still for the most part. Had to...