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  1. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Yeah what Deb said. I have a mare that is between 338-345 days. She presents with most of what Deb showed above except a bag. She has a walnut size bag and I check it every morning before turn out (which she hates). I have no history on her so a guessing game. I have had maidens that go...
  2. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Depends on mare. Have had mares that I could get fluid from nipples weeks before delivering. But have also had mares that couldn't get fluid until days or hours before delivery. I noticed, with several of our mares, that when it turns a "slim milk" color; mare usually foals within 12 hours...
  3. M

    Does she look in foal?

    Definitely moving forward. I am goibg to take a guess and say you may have a baby within a week. No promises since the mare and baby may decide to hold out.
  4. M

    Does she look in foal?

    Usually their bag will "deflate" after be turned out. The day the bag does not go down after a day of turn out, be prepared for a baby soon. Had a mare last year that when she was turned out in the am her bag was huge. Clear, sticky fluid was expressed. That evening, her bag was even bigger...
  5. M

    Does she look in foal?

    Yes they can do that, its called being a pregnant mare. They will get you hooked, than lead you on your days. Maybe even weeks. When you are beyond exhausted, they will then "maybe" present you with their little bundle of joy. It will all be worth it when it is finally over and the foal is here.
  6. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Your mare is progressing nicely and rather quickly. Don't have long to wait. Now just have her send her vibes my way, my mares are at a snail pace.
  7. M

    Pregnancy Care

    At this stage she could go quick or she could make you wait weeks! Mares decision. I have a mare at 333 with little bag (don't know foaling history), two mares that will be 300 on 3/8 (one has foaled at 333 and last year at 331; other lost both her foals) with barely a start of a bag, one mare...
  8. M

    Pregnancy Care

    I would keep a close eye on her. Her bag only needs to fill a little more and nipples point down. Also the side shot shows baby is low, she almost looks v'd. I don't think you have long to wait after 300 days for a baby. Unlike me who has a mare at 332 days with barely a bag.
  9. M

    Does she look in foal?

    If she is clamping her tail, she is not ready. A mare close to foaling loosens up back there. It comes to you taking the tail to lift and she is unable to clamp it close to her butt.
  10. M

    Shipping Minis

    Ryan, UHaul replaces their vehicles every few years. Once they get to a certain mileage, they are retired. The van we used was only about a year old and in excellent condition.
  11. M

    halters for sensitive head

    For one, most horses will rub their faces when they have a halter on. We have a stallion that will rub the halter off if he can. All of our horses love their faces scratched, ears are different for each of our minis. We have two stallions that don't like their ears messed with. Second, unless...
  12. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Well, we sadly lost another foal. A black frame filly out of a black LP/lp splash mare and by our tiny frame sabino stallion. Foal was only 268 days. Placenta was half way delivered when I looked out to mare pen. Got dressed and shoes on. When we got her in the barn, realized she had not...
  13. M

    Pregnancy Care

    Your mare has more of a milk bar than my mare that is 323 days!
  14. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    When I moved her from the stall she delivered to a drier one, she could care less. She was still having issues with the placenta. The only time she got excited was when the other broodmares in the dry lot started calling. I think she had time to know that the baby was not alive.
  15. M

    Shipping Minis

    Yeah the van not the bigger trucks or the trailer. No ventilation.
  16. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    Well it took her until the middlebof the night to pass the placenta. It was starting to stink. Vet has us giving oxytocin to help clean her out and penicillin for four days. She is almost back to normal. Not eating as much as usual but since she is a tad overweight, not worried. Weather is...
  17. M

    Shipping Minis

    The U haul van has a brace running down the side to tie the horse. Also the one we had had a metal grate separating the front seats from the back. The van also had a thin rubber mat down.
  18. M

    Magic Marker 2018

    We had a mare that was only 275 days abort a dunskin pinto colt early this am. She was acting colicky last night so brought her into the barn. Checked on her later and she seemed more relaxed and had passed some poop. Went out this am to her standing over her aborted colt still in sac...
  19. M

    Does she look in foal?

    We have been breeding for about five years. The first year we lost two foals(early abort and not getting out of sac) with three alive. Second year had two live foals, no losses. Third year had four live foals and two losses (both foals did not get out of sac). The following year we had two...