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  1. M

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    What about yawning?
  2. M

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    Thank you! I love all interactions with her so I don't mind at all!☺️
  3. M

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    So I shouldn't baby talk to her....which I have been guilty of doing...🥺
  4. M

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    I have another question: as soon as I'm close to her, she likes to lick my jacket all over. Is this an affectionate thing?
  5. M

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    Thank you all so much for all the wonderful advice and encouragement. Last night, I took her food in and my crop. I tapped her once...she stepped back and waited. I couldn't believe it! This morning, she bite her halter when I put it on so I tapped her and she stopped and stood still. She had...
  6. M

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    Thank you for your advice. I think that is exactly the reason I have hesitated....she is a baby and I don't want her to fear me. It's a fine line instilling respect without fear. I will definitely check out clicker training!
  7. M

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    I do groom her all over and have since she first came to me and she's pretty good with that. I think what started the feeding issue is I started using a feeder that hooks onto the side of the wall so her backside is to me. I'm discontinuing this and using a bin and having her face me. I will use...
  8. M

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  9. M

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    I really appreciate your advice. She was a surprise gift from my husband and I wasn't prepared for how different she is from our goats and how smart she is. I will start training tonight...I have a small crop. I'm in this for the long haul! ☺️
  10. M

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    You have no idea how much I appreciate your advice. I was afraid I would get judgement when I posted in here. I'll start today! Thank you!
  11. M

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    Sorry I did notice the cows kept her in check.
  12. M

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    No, she is by herself. We have goats and sheep and until recently, angus cows. I did not notice the two cows kept her in check but she is definitely the boss of the sheep and goats. Do all minis have dominant personalities?
  13. M

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    She backs up and acts very aggressive when she is eating grain. Should I allow this?
  14. M

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    I am a brand new mini owner since July. Shiloh is 10 mo. old. I have never owned a horse before and I'm afraid I am creating bad habits. She backs her butt up to me when she gets grain and sometimes in the field. She also started a new habit of trying to jump on me. I have a crop but I need to...