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  1. W

    Even more frustrated now...

    I don't think the sham marriages argument holds water and the costs quoted that would cost the government is a drop in the bucket compared with what government wastes on frivolous things now. Just think how much government is making in selling marriage licenses. Maybe we should all stop...
  2. W

    I dont know what to do with this mess

    Totally agree! I am sorry you are going through this ordeal and everyone has given you good advice and I know how hard it is for you to see the truth through all the murky waters of familial relationships. Reading between the lines I can tell you know in your gut instinct that you need to make...
  3. W


    I would go ahead and worm them. Being in Australia I don't know your brand names there but I would worm with any number of products but never use Ivermectin as the first wormer for foals. Your foals will probably have worms and Ivermectin kills everything and dumping a bunch of dead worms in a...
  4. W

    Frustrating fact...

    Having just read through this entire post I must say this has turned into a lively post and I do like to see it shaken up around here at times. What I have noticed is that the majority is for gay marriage and equal rights for all. Higgs, although I don't agree with your viewpoints, I applaud...
  5. W

    If you have an older roundpen / use roundpen pannels

    I have heard of 2 situations where a big horse put their head through pipe corral rails and got their lower jaw caught on the next rail down and broke their neck and died. It seems that a 4 rail pipe panel has the perfect spacing for this to happen. I have nothing but 5 rail here. Just as...
  6. W

    Getting a mini? questions and can I eventually keep with a bigger horse?

    Welcome to the forum. Since you only have geldings I would recommend getting another gelding. Stallions present their own problems and if you don't plan on breeding, I would stay away from a stallion unless you found one you couldn't live without and then gelding him. You already run your...
  7. W

    Vid of the Berner Pups

    About time you posted more pics(video). I have been waiting impatiently. It doesn't surprise me that you had them all sold. You always share pics of beautiful animals and if I was looking for cats or berner pups, you would be the first one I would go to.
  8. W

    feeling a little unwelcomed!

    Welcome to the forum. You may be new to the forum but it is obvious you are not new to horses. The fact that you have been in the biggies puts you way ahead of some on this forum. This forum runs the gamut of people who don't own minis but want to, to big farms that really show and promote...
  9. W

    Would this interest you?

    I think it is an interesting marketing tool to explore. I can think of several situations that this would be an attractive offer but probably wouldn't have a ton of people interested.
  10. W

    Knowing it is so hard not to resist.

    Times are hard financially right now and doesn't look like it will change for a few years. If you are buying or selling depends on what is going on in your life and the cycle of horse ownership. If you are at the beginning of getting your horse program together then buy away, the time is...
  11. W

    Question: Gaining trust of a weanling??? New Update 12/29/11 on page 2

    So many people get caught up in wanting to "train" young horses not realizing that so much training can come from just playing with them. Field of Dreams has the right approach by just visiting with them. It has long been my theory that God made them itchy to help tame them. Once they realize...
  12. W

    Anderson or Parelli

    Not a fan of either one of them. Parelli is arrogant and obnoxious and flat out stole the ride and drive he is now doing from Carole Mercer and her Dancing Morgans. I worked as her groom for an expo and Clinton Anderson did clinics and I was disgusted at his aggressive(and sometimes...
  13. W

    Is it a compliment when...

    It's a compliment. I had a stallion that my farrier would say he is a good looking horse, not a good looking miniature horse but a good looking horse. He was a beautiful horse and I have a pic of him sliding and if you put a saddle on him you would think he is a biggie.
  14. W

    New and yet not so new

    Welcome to the forum. I have heard of you ever since I got into minis, always with the best of comments. I loved your slideshow.
  15. W

    Colic in Miniature Horses

    Tubing can be dangerous if you don't do it right so I would suggest not doing it unless you are sure of what you are doing. If I have a colic the first thing I do is give 3cc banamine to a full grown horse, 2cc to a young one. I give oil with a 60cc syringe, a couple of them, gas...
  16. W

    Imprinting VS Not Imprinting

    I saw an interesting program on RFD tv a few years ago about imprinting. It was when the PMU program was going strong and they did a blind study with the staff doing the program. They had large groups of foals and specific things for the people to grade the foals on and they had to pick which...
  17. W

    I need a genetics guru- max white sabino

    It is common to get a maximum white foal when you have several different pinto patterns involved especially when you cross tobiano and overo. You stated your colt has tobiano, frame overo and probably has a little splash thrown in as well. The maximum white comes out when all patterns are...
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    Both mares are stunning. Robin, that is the mare that caught my eye when I looked at them but I am not a buyer now.
  19. W

    Pics of new stallion

    Hey Jennifer, I saw him last week and he is a cutie! I think you got a good one.
  20. W

    Bucket list

    I have always tried to live my life with no regrets of things I wanted to do but never did. There are times in your life you have to put some goals off to accomplish others and I feel I have done that. When I was young and single I sailed the South Pacific in a sailboat and island hopped...