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  1. W

    Show us your Xmas spirit

    I was cruising the back porch and read Chandab taking in a poor cat and MindyLee finding a new home for her dog and probably making a lonely guys Xmas better. It got me thinking that this is the time of year that makes us better people with the spirit of Xmas and doing the little (or big)...
  2. W

    Closing one chapter in life.......

    I did the same thing when I was in my early 20's. Sometimes you need to back off to give yourself time to get your life started. It doesn't mean you won't get back to your animals in a few years when your life is more settled. I think the sign of a true horsewoman is that you may get rid of...
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    Pinto shows vs. Mini breed shows

    The difference of showing AMHR Nationals and ANY other registry World Caliber shows is the stall fees. Good for AMHR that they can float the budget for the Nationals but it is the stall fees that pay for the shows anywhere and AMHR stall fees are low compared to any other registry. After that...
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    Herd dynamic question

    Probably the best thing you can do is to put a mare in with them. Mares don't tolerate the boys silliness and will teach them some manners in a herd situation.
  5. W

    To Late to Show *pictures added*

    My first stallion(and mini) I bought when he was 10. I trained him and in his first year of showing (at 12) He won the jumping class, got 5 firsts and 1 second in inhand trail and went Grand Champion in halter the next day. We showed for 3 years and he dominated the show ring so no, it is...
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    Hardshipped horses

    There are lots of reasons horses don't have papers. It is my belief that we will be deluged with unregistered horses after the economy turns around. How many of you have horses showing up under your name that you sold and they were never transferred? The prettiest mare I had couldn't be...
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    Saving Money

    Before you buy anything, ask yourself if it is a want or a need. Times have definately been hard for us and by asking that little question, it is amazing what you don't buy. Craigslist can be your best friend as we all have things we don't use, that take up space, and by selling things it has...
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    Open Exhibitor Card

    Why in the world do you need an open card? Or are they calling this open instead of the membership card? If this is another card then hello, open means open to anyone.
  9. W


    That is a stellar accomplishment! I remember seeing Catch as a weanling(I think) at regionals and he was breath taking. You have worked hard to get to this place and when you stop and think about where you have come it is an unbelievable feeling. I have showed horses darn near my whole life...
  10. W

    Horse Hotels - Have you ever used one?

    Traveling Horse Transport and Directory is a website I have bookmarked but haven't used it yet. The absolute best experience I had was staying at Big Texan in Amarillo Texas. It is on the main highway and looks like a cute little western town. The horse hotel is locked and they give you a key...
  11. W

    Splash overo to Splash overo

    I have based my overo breeding program on breeding splash to splash and never had a problem. I haven't had any maximum whites or deaf horses. I did breed splash to sabino but I stay away from frame horses. The most white I have had is about as much as the horse in my avatar. Many of my mares...
  12. W

    Farm Layouts

    I envy the people with pastures. I am on 3 1/2 acres with every square inch used. It was originally set up as a paint breeding/training/showing ranch that I have tweeked for the minis. Whatever the set up you go for just remember a few things. Set it up to make it easy on yourself. The...
  13. W

    Appy questions

    This is a very informative thread as I know nothing about appy coloring. Becky I just have one question. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKIN MIND? It can take a lifetime to try to figure out pinto patterns and now you want to figure out appy? You must have a lot of time on your hands (she says...
  14. W

    My Thoughts/Observations After Conducting my Own Online Auction

    Great post and very informational. Charlotte-what would you do differently at the end?
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    Ode to Little Joe

    Sorry about Joe but you gave him the best home to live out his last days. He was a "one in a million" horse but he wasn't all saint either. He was the best with kids but could be a begger with adults. Remember when he decided he wanted to go home with you on him and you couldn't get him...
  16. W

    Sad day for us

    I lost Emma this year and still wait for her to come shuffling around a corner. It is hard to lose the good ones.
  17. W

    Sad day for us

    Sorry about Duke. He was lovable, pathetic excuse for a dog because he thought he was human and a hundred pounds of golden retriever as a lap dog was overwhelming. He had a very kind soul and was a pleasure to be around. I know you will miss him terribly and the house will be very empty...
  18. W

    When things don't go as planned - Max update

    I realize you are going through a rough time right now and have more than your share of disappointments as far as breeding goes, but now is not the time to make rash decisions. Max is a beautiful horse and has the show record to prove it. You have spent a lot of time and effort to put your...
  19. W

    Neverending Saga: Fall Cleaning and Decorations!

    You make me tired just reading your post as I sit here in my office with the computer pulled away from the wall since I didn't finish putting everything back after scrubbing like you did. I have plans of finishing the job and cleaning house today but I might just go back to bed and pull the...