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  1. W

    Just for fun

    It is always good for temporary fixes. We also carry it in the camping gear to tie up trash bags and such. We also have a 20 x 30 tarp we tie from trees while camping to give us shade in the hot summer months but also protect us from rain especially during hunting season.
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    Question about buckets

    I don't like using buckets as I have seen too many injuries from using them. I use the sheep size water troughs in my paddocks and I found a smaller one I use in the barn. I can move it around and dump it even if it has water in it. I have gone to shows, filled it up and not had to fill it...
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    Pacific Celebrity's first two foals

    I would say that Celebrity is a visual splash which accounts for the patterns of the colts. I would say the second mare also carries splash.
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    Driving a stallion

    It is all a matter of manners no matter what a stallion is doing. I like the fire of a stallion but you have to have their respect and have a strong line of behavior.
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    Color Question -- Have You Had Foals Born This Color

    2 years ago I had a filly born a funny red and by winter she had gone palomino. I body clipped her as a yearling and she looked silver dapple. This winter she looks palomino with silver undercoat. I call her my horse of many colors.
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    Do you have any type of a "bucket" list

    I think the 50's are a time when we do a mental housecleaning and throw out the crap we have been carrying around all our lives and get down to what is important. I know I have done a mental housecleaning and it is very freeing. I also have been in contact with 3 people that have fallen out of...
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    She is a cute filly, BUT... Dorsal stripe, bars across the withers and I noticed the mare has light colored hair inside her ears. Dun or maybe grulla (which would be lovely), but I would wait and see before I call her black.
  8. W

    So if you have to glove up

    K-Y and those type of lubricants are water based and will dry out with use. UCD vet hospital uses petroleum based lubricant which lasts longer and you can buy several at the dollar stores and throw them out after each horse. Any time you stick anything up your horse you should put them on...
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    Lost a foal - have a nurse mare and/or colostrum

    I am sitting here with tears welling over as I know what you are going through and it is the hardest decision we have to make as breeders. A few years ago I had a badly deformed dwarf that wouldn't have had a very good life and we put him down the next day. The decision to put down a sweet...
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    Little Red Lady_Questions

    I like leaving my mares out as much as possible as I think it helps get the foal in the right position for foaling. I have 3 mares foaling this year and they are in a paddock near the barn where I can get my hands on them to check their bags and look for signs. I have one mare close to foaling...
  11. W

    Pinto Registration Question

    I would register him and send in a stallion report. You can then register the foals at regular registration cost with a copy of mares out cross papers. Your pedigree won't be blank, pinto recognizes out cross pedigrees.
  12. W

    Need Help Please! Mare Literally Starving Herself!

    You have had the vet out several times and spent probably a fortune in different feeds and don't have a very long list of options and aren't getting anywhere. At this point I would be throwing that horse in a trailer and heading to either a vet college or respected vet hospital where they can...
  13. W

    If you *think* your mare is aborting but are unsure,

    Remember the thread I started last year about twisted cords and when everyone talked about their twisted cords it was about 6-8 weeks before the due date. Your mare is right in that range. When my mare aborted this week the cord wasn't twisted and we don't know why she aborted. If they are...
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    Heres whats been going on with me lately

    I soooo feel your pain and totally understand what you are going through. I am at the lowest ebb I have ever been in my life and am hanging on by my fingernails, taking everything on faith that soon it will get better. I had a heart attack a year ago with no insurance and have been on...
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    Tough week

    Moonie is home an doing reasonably well but not out of the woods. Lab work is going down and she is eating and much brighter but not eating like I would like. She will have a little pasture time and free choice of several different foods and hopefully turn around for me. She is the sweetest...
  16. W

    Tough week

    I thought I would post this as a learning experience for those that haven't gone through this before. Monday I went out to feed and one of my pregnant, food hound mares wouldn't come up to eat. She wasn't due for at least a month, no bag development and my breeding dates said it wasn't time...
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    mini spacific medical info.

    Injectable banamine given orally has many positive benefits over paste. As others has said, cost and correct dosage, no needle sticks. One thing that hasn't been mentioned is that it is absorbed through the mucus membranes of the mouth and is as fast acting as if you have given it IV. Horses...
  18. W

    Need your feedback - NEW AMHA Program

    John has some very valid points. This is very trying times for everyone in this economy and I have made numerous posts that the registries need to think outside the box and keep the members active and the limited dollars coming in. Horses are a luxury and when people are just trying to pay...
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    Manager at work saying rude remarks about pregnancy

    What they did is not only unprofessional but illegal and morally wrong. This is on par with sexual discrimination and should be strongly nipped in the bud before it gets any farther. I would complain to the general manager, document EVERYTHING and be adamant that it stops NOW!!!
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    Advice for after divorce

    A few things came to mind reading your post. First was you are 43 and didn't think things should be going the way they are. Baloney! When I was in my early 40's I was hit with the realization I was middle aged and somehow should be an old matron. I think this is the age in our development...