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  1. W

    How to soak a horses foot..

    Oh Goodness, it sounds like my house!!! If it helps any at all, I wrap their leg, foot, etc in a towel and then wrap vet wrap around it. Then I pour warm water and epsom salt over it until it is soaked through... I add a little more every few minutes just to keep it really hot and wet. Of...
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    More Carriage Harness pictures

    I realized my mistake after I reread the posts. I really like this harness but am realizing that not only do I have a beer budget but I am going to need to build an addition onto the house just to store harnesses and carts. But doggone it I am having so much fun!!
  3. W


    You will know if your horse has thrush by the odor. It's a horrible smell when you clean their feet. A healthy hoof won't stink. I can tell from 5 feet away if somone's horse has thrush when they are picking their feet. There are several things you can use that you can get at the drug store...
  4. W

    How not to balance a cart!

    Awwww.. gee, I just got the doofus award in May but I guess I will send Marty an email. It's amazing what thoughts go through your mind in the three seconds between the moment you realize that your ____ is grass and the moment that it hits it!! It all seemed to have happened in slow motion.
  5. W

    How not to balance a cart!

    So much for 0 balance....
  6. W

    New Picture w/ Larger cart

    Finding a man that will work is a whole other thread. I thought once about putting a personal ad in for a man with power tools but then I thought someone might take it the wrong way.
  7. W

    How not to balance a cart!

    As some of you are aware, I have been trying to get carts and harnesses balanced and adjusted. I have a Frontier EZ entry cart and I was told that I could adjust the seat back to get better balance. Lo and behold, I discovered I could. After I had made adjustments in the seat, I decided to...
  8. W

    New Picture w/ Larger cart

    He is my largest. The shaft length is why I was trying the smaller cart. I guess they could be adjusted as he is my largest horse at 36 inches. This cart balances easily even with two of us in it. I finally got the collar adjusted up where it would STAY up by the end of the drive. It took...
  9. W

    Pr. Georges Official Quits After Charges

    I don't have any other information but this happened at the same time as the lady with the 500 cats. One mini was put down and I don't know what happened to the other. Pr. George's Health Chief Quits After Charges By Ray Rivera Washington Post Staff Writer Friday, July 15, 2005; Page B05...
  10. W

    Does this cart fit?

    And thank everyone for all of the feedback. I learned a ton from looking at the pictures in the first place. It's very different than trying to figure out what everything looks like when I am driving. Then I learned a ton more from all of your comments and even though I tend to be a bit hard...
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    Does this cart fit?

    I started another thread with the larger cart and harness adjustments. Other than the breast collar, I'd be interested in hearing comments.
  12. W

    More Carriage Harness pictures

    I really like this harness. Did you say it was from Carriage House? Do you have closeups of the "2nd Edition"?
  13. W

    New Picture w/ Larger cart

    These are with the larger, better balanced cart. One thing I want to note is that I made some adjustments to the breast collar and then did a couple turns around. You will notice that in some of the pictures, it has slid down way too low. We stopped and adjusted several times. The change I...
  14. W

    Does this cart fit?

    Thanks Whitney, Believe it or not, the only way I could lighten up on contact with Rambo would be to drop his head entirely and in one of the pictures I had unintentionally done just that. I am going to work on getting him to accept it more. Of all the pictures Lexi took there is only one...
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    Another watch me grow thread

    I couldn't find a very good picture of Cola but the first shot here is at our state fair and our first show. Boy were we clueless. I have learned so much on the forum. I was told at the show that Cola was the wrong type to show. That he was not refined enough and was the old style... This...
  16. W

    Does this cart fit?

    Rabbitsfizz, I will put him to the larger cart and get pictures today if I can persuade my daughter out into the heat with the camera. The last picture I posted, he is standing still so there is not draft on the traces and in the last picture I originally posted, we are on a slight downhill...
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    Very cute pictures on your website.
  18. W

    Your new Mingus photos...

    He is beautiful!! I love bays and he looks so sleek and shiny! I like the "Maxi-Minis" especially for driving.
  19. W

    Does this cart fit?

    Leia, This is a shot of him from head on so you can see the distance between the shafts. Thanks for all of your help and Margo's too. Margo, I do believe it is a Frontier cart. Kim, what kind of clips did you use for the breeching?
  20. W

    Does this cart fit?

    Thank you all!! I will try to get someone to take pictures after the next workout and see if it makes a difference. Rambo and I are going down to Catalyst Driving Center next week to take a lesson with Shelly. I am looking forward to it but I haven't had much of a chance to work with him...