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  1. cretahillsgal

    A question for those of you who feed from round bales

    I feed mainly round bales and have never had a problem with it. When they are eating on it it will begin to look like a mushroom. But here in SW OK it is very windy and usually blows away alot of the top of the bale a little at a time.
  2. cretahillsgal

    Silver Dun or Silver Dunskin?

    Just going by the pictures you posted I would say he is just plain buckskin pinto. But if you know he carries dun and silver for sure, then I would go with silver dunskin.
  3. cretahillsgal

    Hauling minis in full size trailer

    That is what I would do. Just pull out the dividers and leave them loose
  4. cretahillsgal

    Extra calcium for lactating mares

    I wouldn't routinelly give calcium to a lactating mare. Because adding one mineral might throw off th balance of another one. I would reccomend however adding alfalfa to their diet and it is high in calcium. When I had one that developed thumps, I DID continue to give her the CMPK gel till she...
  5. cretahillsgal


    Wonderful news!
  6. cretahillsgal

    Update on Mare w/Thumps page 7.(thumps video pg 3)

    When I had my mare with thumps my vet had me give CMPK gel. She said giving calcium alone would not completely correct the problem because thumps is actually caused an imbalance between the levels of calcium AND magnesium. (I think it was magnesium, but it could have been potassium) My mare...
  7. cretahillsgal

    First POOKA baby!!

    He is a cutie! And even more refined that he looks in these pictures!
  8. cretahillsgal


    My first 3 years I lost NONE. I had 3 foals in 2008, 4 foals in 2009, and 4 foals in 2010. But I knew my luck was bound to end eventually. And last year (2011) I lost 3 of 12 foals. It was a hard year for me to take, but I knew it was bound to happen.
  9. cretahillsgal

    What color is this colt? Maximum White? Genetics?

    I would say he is a maximum white sabino or splash. Hard to tell without testing for sure which. As far as dilute, no he will not produce dilute just because he is white. You are thinking about cremelo or perlino horses which are double dilute. (2 cream genes) He would have to have gotten the...
  10. cretahillsgal

    Need Advice for LICE :(

    I've dealt with it a couple times. Wash them with Adams Flea & Tick shampoo. Worm them with Ivermectin. Repeat 2 weeks later with exact same regimine. Then 2 weeks after that do it again. Of course clipping helped alot too. They dry quicker without all that shaggy hair.
  11. cretahillsgal

    Neti Pot

    Ive never personally used them. But my aunt and cousins do and they say it works great. They especially use it when they have been in alot of dust to flush it all out of their sinuses.
  12. cretahillsgal

    Alternative Treatments

    Coconut is one of the best home remedies that Ive seen used. Either in oil, cream, capsule, etc. I have personally seen it cure eczema, ulcers and insomnia.
  13. cretahillsgal

    Does Nina look alright?

    The filly in my avatar looks alot like that in her winter hair. She grows soooo much of it! But clips off beautiful!
  14. cretahillsgal

    people that own over 10 animals

    What Shari said. Sell some so that your stress levels are better. Sure, you are gonna have issues come up every now and then. But when it gets to the point that you no longer enjoy them, that is when its time to change something. I know how you feel. This summer I had 32 horses, 10 goats...
  15. cretahillsgal


    Finally!!!! YAY!
  16. cretahillsgal


    21 for Tues
  17. cretahillsgal


  18. cretahillsgal

    what colour is she

    silver buckskin. There are so many "shades" of buckskin that it is unreal.
  19. cretahillsgal

    Does anyone raise hogs.

    I don't know anything about pigs, but if Wazine is okay for pigs then I wouldn't think that was enough to overdose them.
  20. cretahillsgal

    Color help

    Would say silver buckskin based on that picture.