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  1. cretahillsgal


    Yup found it. Somehow I missed a whole page of numbers. Unfortunately my guess this morning was also one of those numbers so it didn't count. Pooooo!!
  2. cretahillsgal


    I must have messed up somewhere then because I show that there are 10 numbers left.
  3. cretahillsgal

    Just got The Journal in the mail

    I never said that. Yes I believe that to be abusive too. AND I never said anything about shetland breeders as a whole. I do believe that a majority of shetland/show pony breeders do whats right and keep their horses feet at a comfortable lenth/angle. I am only talking about a select few that...
  4. cretahillsgal

    Just got The Journal in the mail

    I think I know which couple of pictures in the Journal you are refering to Sandy. And I agree with you that I think that letting their feet grow that long is abusive. A little length would be normal, not double the length that they should be. Imagine going to someones farm and seeing any other...
  5. cretahillsgal

    AMHR prefix

    I was looking for it online the other day and couldnt find it. It used to be there.
  6. cretahillsgal

    Now they are both sick

    You mentioned in your other post that he was picking up the falling leaves. What kind of leaves are they? After reading through everything, I would tend to think either poisoning from the leaves or hypocalcemia. Does he look like he has "hiccups"?
  7. cretahillsgal

    New LB forum!

    Cool!!! Great idea!
  8. cretahillsgal

    October Fest

    Would love to go, but its tooooo far for me. Everyone have fun!
  9. cretahillsgal


    Right now I feed whatever I can get that is not fescue or "cow hay" LOL I don't typically feed alfalfa because of the blister beetles around here. BUT if I could choose anything I would feed a bermuda/alfalfa mix.
  10. cretahillsgal

    Help!! My mini mare was attacked

    Are you giving her probios or ulcergard? With all the stress shes had, I for sure would be giving Probios at a minimum.
  11. cretahillsgal

    First Time Animal Genetics User....

    Do you know the color of the dam? How about the grandparents? Do you have any pictures? LWO is the only obvious one that needs to be done. But going off what you said already I would probably test for tobi, black, agouti and silver. I wouldn't waste my time with the sabino test.
  12. cretahillsgal

    Good feed for minis and full-sized horses...

    Every person will eventually find what works for them will not work for someone else. I stay away from all textured(sweet) feeds. I feed only pellets. I don't like the excess sugar that comes along with feeding sweet feeds. If you want a good all-around feed without the extra starch/sugar, but...
  13. cretahillsgal

    My "rescue" mare

    How old is she? Could cushings be at play here? A cushings horse is not always fat when it founders or shows founder symptoms. I agree with the others that you are going to have to find a way to separate her from the others. I have 3 here right now that are separated so that they can get more...
  14. cretahillsgal

    Trailer load of fun!!!

    They are all wonderful! I distinctly remember Jasmine and Magic Charm because those 2 mares are ones that I would have loved to buy! You did good!
  15. cretahillsgal

    Trailer load of fun!!!

    WOW!!! That is like a dream come true trailer load! Congratulations!
  16. cretahillsgal

    What kind of Hay to buy

    I would go with Orchard or the Timothy. Probably the Orchard first because I think it would be the closest to what my horses usually get here. BTW, did you get my email yesterday?
  17. cretahillsgal

    Need to seed a horse pasture

    I second what Marsha said. I would prefer bermuda grass. But my soil won't support it so I have (or had) bluestem. But I don't know what grows good inyour area. AND you will probably need to keep them off of it for a while to let it get started.