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  1. cretahillsgal


    I'm not sure on feeding oil. I have heard somewhere that adding certain oils to feed will coat their stomach and they end up absorbing fewer nutrients. Can't remember where I heard that or if it is even true. Just wanted to throw this out there. I have fed BOSS and gave 1/4 cup, x a day. Also...
  2. cretahillsgal

    Blister Bugs

    This is why I am not feeding alfalfa right now. In the past I have been able to buy it from a neighbor with confidence that it was sprayed before it was harvested to get rid of the blister bugs. I also have been seeing them recently on the grass and trees. Knock on wood, Ive not had a horse...
  3. cretahillsgal

    Livestock Blowers?

    I have one of the cattle blowers. Had it from my days showing steers. I like it. Especially during the winter when they can't be bathed.
  4. cretahillsgal

    Buddy's New Adventure

    Cute! Buddy really is an awesome dog.
  5. cretahillsgal

    How many miniature Horses

    Several months ago I had 32 horses on the property. Right now I have 22, but 4 of those are sold and will be picked up this week. Of the 19 horses that are still mine: 2 are Foster horses 2 are big riding horses 1 is a riding pony that we adopted 2 stallions 8 are broodmares and 2 foals...
  6. cretahillsgal

    mystery solved!

    looks like a silver bay that will eventually grey out to me. Very pretty girl! Congratulations!
  7. cretahillsgal

    Need Help What color is this horse

    yup also say silver black
  8. cretahillsgal

    Wanted to share our Spice at 3 years old

    I've always loved Spice. Nice to see her now in her "everyday clothes"
  9. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    LOL Marsha! When he first got here, I put him in a pen next to the pasture that the mares are in. They had to walk past his pen to come in to the smaller pen where I feed. And a couple of the mares were terrified and wouldnt get within 20 feet of him. It was funny to watch them. Of course it...
  10. cretahillsgal


    Your run-in sounds just like the ones I have here. East is definitely the direction that the opening should be. I am in SW Oklahoma. I wouldn't bathe him from here on out unless it is absolutely necessary. And then he will need to be dry before nightfall. The temps are getting rather cool at...
  11. cretahillsgal

    Tucker is sick.

    Yeah, my vet will put the cath in their neck. (Just like when they are pulling blood for coggins, except a different needle with a cath that is left in) Then we give the IV which usually takes about 15 minutes. They are usually just held by someone or tied to the trailer and we watch them to...
  12. cretahillsgal

    Weaning and Worming

    I also remove the moms and leave the foals together in the area they are used to being in.
  13. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    HaHa!!! Im gonna bring Wilby to your house for you to take care of until next years fair!
  14. cretahillsgal

    Colt Kicking and actually made contact - what to do?

    These horses are smart and seem to know that they can push around the smaller kids. I have a mare here who is excellent. Easy to train, very smart. And she respects me very well. BUT, for some reason she knows that she is bigger than my daughter and is awful with her. I think what you did is...
  15. cretahillsgal

    Tucker is sick.

    I haven't read through all the responses. But in my experience it never hurts to run a cath and get plenty of IV fluids into them. If you are dealing with virus, colic, whatever, it is just simpler to not have to deal with dehydration as well. Especially since it is such a simple thing to run a...
  16. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    Thats all the pictures that I have. I didn't get any of the non-livestock entries. Or the other competitions like the beef, swine or lamb show. We also had martial arts demonstrations. Working cattle dog demonstrations. Farmhand olympics. Turtle and weenie dog races. And a crops contest.
  17. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    Carson in the tractor pedal pull. And his trophy. LOL Carlee with her 1st place prize in the pedal pull. We had a dunk tank, and this is our county 4h extension agent in it. Just before my son dunked him. LOL Carlee on the giant blow up slide. My kids had all day passes for the whole...
  18. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    Felicity and Dahlia getting a break Friday afternoon. Winner of beautiful baby contest. This is actually my college roomate and her little boy. Another beautiful baby contestant. Some of the chicken entries. Some of the rabbit cages.
  19. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    Fellicity, another one of our goats in the petting zoo. Wilby, our pot-bellied pig in the petting zoo. Dahlia in the petting zoo. We only let the kids in so many at a time, but the others in line were petting through the fence. Another of Felicity in the zoo. We had baby chicks for...
  20. cretahillsgal

    2011 Jackson County Fair

    It was fun, but Im glad it is OVER! Of course our first board meeting for next year's fair is tonight, so we are already busy again. I didn't get pictures of everything, but got some. My own kids made out like bandits with all their wins. They had 1st & 2nd place Christmas Ornaments. 1st...