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  1. cretahillsgal

    Our County Fair

    The members of the fair board are responsible for making all the decisions regarding the fair. From venue, awards, schedules, advertising, etc. We meet once a month and discuss and vote on what needs to be done. We all are also responsible for meeting the week before the fair and getting...
  2. cretahillsgal

    Can FINALLY, 8 horses later, officially announce and introduce our keepers!

    Beautiful horses! I'm envious of you! Wish I could come and ride with ya!
  3. cretahillsgal

    Ive been spoiling myself

    Congratulations! I LOVE The solid bay mare. And the bay pinto too!
  4. cretahillsgal

    ad on Lil beginnings

    I think I almost bought this book at the World Show a couple of years ago for like $35 or something. Wish I had now. LOL
  5. cretahillsgal

    Weaning and Worming

    Definitely worm him. I worm all mine beginning at 1 month old. Different people will tell you different wormers to use. But I always just worm my foals with whatever wormer the mares are getting. When I wean, my mares and foals can hear each other. But I put them where they can't see each other...
  6. cretahillsgal

    ad on Lil beginnings

    That's rediculous! Why is it so expensive?
  7. cretahillsgal

    Roxy modeling her CMHR

    She looks very patriotic!!!
  8. cretahillsgal

    From $100 tooo

  9. cretahillsgal

    Feed prices going up...

    I pay 19.25 for a bag of Equine Sr. And 15.50 for each bag of SafeChoice. I use 1 bag of SafeChoice a day and 1 bag of Equine Sr every 2 days. One of the many reasons I have had to drastically reduce the number of horses I have. I want to be able to feed them all they way they should be fed...
  10. cretahillsgal

    Chronic Diarrhea UPDATE: 9/16

    Now that it has been mentioned here, I have used pumpkin successfully with the rabbits.
  11. cretahillsgal

    5 day Panacur purge

    If I remember correctly from the tube of Safeguard. It has the pounds markings on the plunger. In 250# increments. And a tube does a total of 1250# of horses. BUT if you are doing the double dose purge, that same tube would only do about 600# of horses. Clear as mud? LOL
  12. cretahillsgal

    Chronic Diarrhea UPDATE: 9/16

    Have used BioSponge. And coconut can work wonders too.
  13. cretahillsgal

    Another fire

    Geeeeze!!! So sick of the drought! Its devastating all around. Its dry and everything is dead here, but these people in the path of these fires are losing EVERYTHING!
  14. cretahillsgal


  15. cretahillsgal

    Something spreading thru my barn

    It sounds like what my horses had at the beginning of their "itchiness". They got little bald spots along their manes, and face. Then their ears got all scabby and stuff from itching them. And I can guarantee that it is NOT rain rot here. ROFL!!!! Anyway out of 30 horses, only 3 got it. And my...
  16. cretahillsgal


    38 for Monday
  17. cretahillsgal

    Our County Fair

    Way to go Marsha!!!! Our county fair started today as well with all our non-animal entries like crafts, veggies, and baked goods. Tomorrow the real fun starts with our rabbit, guinea pig, poultry show; farmhand olympics, and the sheep/swine show. I am operating the petting zoo. Going to...
  18. cretahillsgal

    So thrilled with our 2011 foals!

    NICE! Beautiful foals!