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  1. kaprikorn

    Calling all you color experts

    I have no idea what to call this color. . .not a dun or palomino. . . Thanks
  2. kaprikorn

    What Shows are you going to?

    Scottie's first show this year will be the ECMHC Spring Fling in NC. . .then it is up to James. He will be at some of the shows east of Mississippi, but most will be west since James is in Texas now. Scottie just left today heading to Texas. . he has been practicing his "Howdy partner" Texas...
  3. kaprikorn

    Another hardship question. . . name

    Well, we are all into the hardship. . . Here is my quandry I am planning on hardshipping my AMHR stallion, Scottie, and need you thoughts. Since I am going into AMHA. . .is it ok to change his name ? or would most of you leave it alone? Would it be impolite to rename him for AMHA? DO not...
  4. kaprikorn

    Well I messed up mu signature and can not fix

    I do not remember how I did my signature the first time. . now it is all messed up. . .anyone out there can help me ??
  5. kaprikorn

    LWO question for the experts here

    Yep this is Scottie . . . I guess his one blue eye was a tip off if ya knew what to look for. I just bought a pinto cremello to breed to him. . .not sure of her pattern so will have her and the solid sorrel tested. Better to be safe than sorry. Just to clarify. . .+ to + = lethal white...
  6. kaprikorn

    LWO question for the experts here

    Very interesting. . .he does have Rowdy on the bottom side ?? Interesting indeed. . .
  7. kaprikorn

    LWO question for the experts here

    Well. . that answers some questions ! But this is only for the Overo pattern not the Tobiano . .? If I have a mare whose dam was a tobiano, but she does not have any white at all. . .should she be tested also?
  8. kaprikorn

    What's the one colour you wouldn't want in your breeding program?

    I voted gray although I do own a gray. She is a dapple gray so will not fade to white. Still has dark areas over her croup, shoulders and lower legs. Beautiful dapples over her barrel, hips and shoulders. . .salt & pepper mane and tail. . .her name is Pepper She is 5 so not much more to...
  9. kaprikorn

    LWO question for the experts here

    Ok, this is a new area for me. I just got the results back on my stallion. . . nO. According to the test this means that he has one gene LWO and one not. . .if I read this right. Strange since he only has a strip and snip. . and one blue eye. Question is. . .can he be bred safely to a LWO...
  10. kaprikorn

    Anyone know how to contact Stitches n Ink ?

    Hi all, I have been trying to contact Stitches n Ink embroidery to get a jacket and cooler done, but the have not returned phone messages or emails? They are the ones that did the Champion jackets for Nationals lasaat year. Thanks for any help or info. . Sheryl
  11. kaprikorn

    Spice's All Star placing's

    Congratulations. . .love the dilutes
  12. kaprikorn

    My stallion placed on the All Star list !

    WOW, I am so excited that my stallion, Double K's Hottie Too Scottie placed 6th on the All Star list AMHR 2 y.o. stallion-33" under in limited showing!! This was my first to enter the show ring and he did me proud. Also many thanks to James Walsh on his excellent training and conditioning...
  13. kaprikorn

    I lost all of my minis!!

    OMG !!! How horrible. . I can not imagine your greif. . .I am heart-broken for you. You would not expect this kind of terror here in NC. I know we have some coyotes, but a pack big enough to take on 4 ! I do hope the authotities are looking into this. Please let me now if I can do anything...
  14. kaprikorn

    Critique for the new ad I just finished

    Here is an ad I just finished for my stallion, Scottie. Pros and cons please. . . before I get it printed. How do I put a picture in here???
  15. kaprikorn

    Barn names

    Well, I am not too inventive. . . Double Ks Scottie Too Hottie - Scottie or "College Boy" while with w/James Walsh this year Cadle Creek Stormy Buckeroo - Pepper( she is true dapple gray) RFM Extasy's Moonwood - Spooky ( one wild black mare) Brookhavens Scandalous Secret - Scanny or Huzzy...
  16. kaprikorn

    What is your favorite color of horse?

    Love the "chocolate" silver bays !!(not on list) Also cremelo/perlino,buckskin and those wild pinto markings
  17. kaprikorn

    WHo did the jackets at AMHR Nationals?

    Hi all, Anyone know the vendor that was doing the Champion jackets and how to contact them? I meant to get one done for my Reserve Champ win and in all the whoopla. . .I forgot and flew home the next morning Thanks, Sheryl
  18. kaprikorn

    What do you do for a horse w/ allergies-hayfever

    Hi all, My new stallion has hayfever. . . the pollen is really getting to him. . .goopy eyes for several weeks. Vet checked fine "He has allergies". Gave me some ointment for eyes, but wondered if there was something else I could do also. Thanks
  19. kaprikorn

    AMHR look up please

    Hi all, I need a pedigree look up for AMHR : 251714A Reality's Golden Glitter Guy. Thanks a bunch, Sheryl
  20. kaprikorn

    Mini with a pony?

    Well, this is food for thought. . . I good friend of mine had a very gentle Chincoteque(sp?) gelding in with her mini mares for many years (>5). One day, and who knows why, he attacked one of the older mares. Trapped her in a corner, kicked her several times and then bit her in the withers...