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  1. maryann

    Nylon Harnesses

    We used one once on a horse we were training. Hated it. It streatches and does not fit well at all. I think the lady that bought it for her horse paid over a hundred dollars for it. She was trying to save a few dollars over a leather one. It ended up costing her as she ordered a leather one...
  2. maryann

    The Class list and Premium !!!!!

    Yea!!! I am so glad you are coming. Can't wait to meet you. Look us up , We are Blue Blazes Miniatures, Jim and Mary Frazier. If you need anything let us or any other club member know. We are a friendly bunch !!! mary
  3. maryann

    Another New Foal

    Congratulations!!!! What a beautiful little fellow!!! He looks like he is ready to tackle the world!!! Mary
  4. maryann

    My new performance gelding

    Hey Ferin, This is Shelby Twister is SO BEAUTIFUL.I can not wait to show him. I LOVE HIM! He looks so good in cart.[You are going to look good driving him] I am so exicted about show season!
  5. maryann

    The Class list and Premium !!!!!

    We did have a lot of horses last year so be sure to get those entries in early. Any East Coast Miniature Horse Club members that want to stall with other club members please let Laura know by writting it on your entries. Also if you want to stall near someone specific write that on your...
  6. maryann

    The Class list and Premium !!!!!

    I am really getting excited just to see all the new horses this year. Macy has and Perfecta and Chad . Ferin has Twister.( wow ) !! Justine has her new boys , and I understand she is going to be driving and showing halter. Burce and Aburey Driving. I saw his pictures. Burce looks great.I...
  7. maryann

    The Class list and Premium !!!!!

    TWO COMPLETE SHOWS , FOUR DAYS , THREE JUDGES AMHR AND AMHA We now have the Show Premium on line for our East Coast Miniature Horse Show in Williamston NC. This is going to be a great show and we are looking forward to seeing everyone there. The East Coast Miniature Horse Club is growing...
  8. maryann

    This will be the last chance that

    Stormy , I just wish everyone could win!!!!
  9. maryann

    This will be the last chance that

    I did not mean to make the thread so final . Now that I have reread it , it does sound pretty closed. However I meant that this was the last Thread I would post on the cart. If you get your Checks sent out by last of March I will have time to get your tickets to you so You can still order...
  10. maryann

    This will be the last chance that

    In order for you to get the information to us and for us to get your tickets back to you in due time this will be the last offer of show cart tickets on the Forum. The drawing for the cart will be at our East Coast Miniature Horse Club Spring Fling April the 17-20th. Many of you have...
  11. maryann

    Update on Show and Show cart

    I post a new ad about the show cart every 2 weeks and many of you have already bought tickets. In some cases twice. We are now within 2 months of the drawing and I really don't want anyone to miss this oppertunity to purchase tickets for a chance to win this beautiful cart. For those of you...
  12. maryann

    Its Just 75 Days away !!!!!

    OMG you mean we have two more meals? Thats 4 free meals Well no one is going to go hungry thats for sure. Thanks RV Superstore!!! you guys are the best . Of course Thanks Double Diamond for sponsoring the Liberty Parties. I can't wait. Its going to be so much fun. Can't wait to see...
  13. maryann

    Its Just 75 Days away !!!!!

    The East Coast Miniature Horse Club 3rd Annual Spring Fling April 17th and 18th AMHR April 19th and 20th AMHA Senator Bob Martin Eastern Agricultrual Center, Williamston , NC This is going to be a fantastic show again this year. Please don't miss out !! The class list is still being...
  14. maryann


    Geeezz Macy , now I gotta post your picture here. LOL You and Streak did great!! Heres that picture of our Macy and Her Streak at Nationals driving the Black Diamond. !!
  15. maryann


    Oh Jill I hope you can come. I was so excited when I heard you were coming. I have read your posts and heard so much about you that I am excited about finally meeting you. You have some beautiful horses!! If you have some questions about individual classes our show committee can answer your...
  16. maryann


    THE EAST COAST SPRING FLING Presented by the East Coast Miniature Horse Club GET THOSE AMHA AND AMHR HORSES QUALIFIED EARLY AT THE SAME SHOW This is a 4 day Show!! AMHR full show on Thrusday and Friday April 17 th and 18th AMHA full show on Saturday and Sunday April 19th and 20th THREE...
  17. maryann


    From The East Coast Miniature Horse Club We have ordered a limited amount of tickets for the Black Diamond Show cart Raffel . This is our fund raiser for our April show. Double Diamond has also donated a patent Show harness. WHAT A PACKAGE!!! Don't miss out on your chance to win this...
  18. maryann

    We lost our only '08 foal today

    I am so sorry for your loss. Most of us that breed have been there and know the pain you are feeling. My grandaughter is 10 and would be devasted too. You are telling her all the right things. It just takes time to heal . maryann
  19. maryann

    New show gelding

    Finally you got to show him off!!! Its been really hard to keep this secret. Especially after seeing the video of how well he moves. He is beautiful and I know you will do very well with him. I can't wait to see him in person!!! maryann
  20. maryann

    Newbie from NC

    Wow !!! Welcome Dave. You happen to be in just the right place. The East Coast Miniature Horse Club has a lot of members in your area. My husband and I are from Mt. Pleasant NC. I invite you to visit our clubs web site at East Coast Miniature Horse Club Link On our Member directory you will...