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  1. M

    pic of patches udder from 3 weeks ago

    Kaykay, save yourself some more lost sleep and heartburn and get Dr Meyer or Dr Tucker out there. Dr Tucker can sonagram her and let you know in a few minutes. She can also draw some blood and get some test done to find out just what is wrong.
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    Urgent! Florida horse needs to be moved

    Wish I could help, but can't. But mares with heaves usually will not carry to term if bred. They cannot get enough oxygen into their lungs to support both themselves and the developing foal. If she has not already lost the foal, be prepared for an abortion later on. We had a mare who would...
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    Pony Enthusiast Magazine

    I subscribed to this magazine earlier this year. It is supposed to be quarterly, but so far I've only received the first issue. I know there has been some problems. They were located in Florida, but too many hurricanes in a row forced them to move. I believe they are now in Colorado. I...
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    How about 2 or more foals

    It's called embryonic transfer and has been around a few years. Most registries don't allow it. Yet. There is also another way. If you can get your mare bred so that she produces one foal in early January, you can then breed her on her foal heat and deliver the resulting foal by Christmas...
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    What am I doing? MARE STARE!!! Have 2 under the cameras. Have had one under the camera since July 1. Her original due date was July 10. Now I don't know when she's due. I do know I want to go out there and squeeze that baby out. I'd like to get a full nights sleep.
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    UPDATE 7/11 MINIS IN MA Starved!!!!

    Contact They wrote the books on laws and how to enforce them. They are located in Northern IL. Donna Ewing is the President. She will get something done or will at least point you in the right direction. HARPS=Hooved Animal Rescue and Protection Society
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    Blind Mini mare needs a home

    Have you contacted Deb? You know her place is horse heaven.
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    Foundered Pony

    Glad to hear he's going to a, hopefully, good home. Sorry to hear the farrier plans on keeping him shod. A proper trim done about every two weeks should be all that is needed to keep him sound. Shoes can just aggrevate the stuation.
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    May be stupid question..

    I got the mare in the barn and into a stall over the weekend. She looks very pregnant, filling udder, etc. But, she was flirting with my stallion. Now, if you can believe the string and nail test, it says she is still pregnant. Who know.?!? Time will tell I guess. I have had several people...
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    NSPR im confused and worried

    I am the person with the stallion kaykay is wanting to breed too. He is already DNA'd through his registry. Will he have to be re-DNA'd for this registry or will they accept his original DNA? Who will be doing the DNA? My stallion is DNA'd through the U of KY. For the American Sport Pony...
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    Welcome, Elaine. This is a pretty good board. But you may want to move over to the Miniature Horse Forum. This particular one is for ponies. Again, welcome aboard. Glad to have you here.
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    May be stupid question..

    This mat be a very stupid question, but I just have to ask. Can a mare abort a twin late in pregnancy and retain the other one? I have a Welsh mare who aborted a beautiful, perfectly looking stud colt on Jan 19th. She is wild and cannot be touched. She is pasture bred, etc., so she never...
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    This maybe off the subject

    Either call the IRS forms line 1-800-829-3676 (I think). or go to their website: DO NOT go to, that is a private website that charges for its services. Ask for K 1023. That is the non profit package that has all the forms and publications you need to get started. There...
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    Foundered Pony

    Hi. I have 3 foundered pony mares. If this was a grain founder, try to keep his grain to a minimum or non existant. Mine get a scant cup at each feeding only because the other horses and ponies in the barn are grained and they would feel left out. Learn all you can about Natural Hoof Trim...
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    What breed to breed to

    How about a nice Caspian stallion? Where are you located? I can direct you to several very nice ones, including the one I stand. The foal will be registerable as a Half Caspian.
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    pony mares and hormones

    Thanks Minimor, but this didn't happen in the pasture. Everyone gets along pretty well outside. If someone gets grouchy, there is room to get away. This was at evening feeding time. I was bringing everyone inside for the night. Each has his or her own assigned stall. I just open the barn...
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    pony mares and hormones

    I have 2 mares who are also absolute sweethearts. But this one, just beat the holy crap out of my Arabian mare for no reason. And I mean BEAT her. Trapped her in her stall and got her down. I'm just praying the Arab mare doesn't slip her foal because of it. There has got to be something I...
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    pony mares and hormones

    I have just about had it with 2 of my Welsh mares. They are good broodmares, but their dispositions while pregnant, AHHRRR! They are imposible to deal with; absolute nightmares. I just posted one on the for sale board. She has got to go.
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    Opinions wanted on Stallion prospect...

    What's his disposition like? He looks nice from the pictures. I'm partial to Welsh's myself. I'm assuming you are breeding him to a Welsh mare?
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    New Rescues Coming in tomarrow!

    Kay, at the moment I have and empty pasture and shelter if you need it. Mary Harrison