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  1. M

    he might be brindle

    I bought this colt and his dam at an Amish pony sale. The dam is palomino. Medium gold, with white mane and tail. the one eye she has is dark brown. I contacted the seller about the sire. He was chestnut with lots of chrome. He was gelded shortly after this colt was conceived and his...
  2. M

    How should I handle this....

    You could try talking to the neighbors, but try to keep an open mind with them also. The mare may not want her hooves done. I have a welsh mare that never gets her feet done by the farrier. They get long in the winter, then come summer when the ground gets firm she breaks them off to the...
  3. M

    Besides Shetlands

    Why not a small horse? As in a Caspian Horse. They stand 10-12 hands, are gentically a horse, not pony, and have WONDERFUL dispositions. Besides the Caspians, we have several Welsh mares we are crossing with the Caspian and there is no comparison with the attitudes. I'm hoping in a few yars...
  4. M

    Welsh Pony- pinto genes

    According to the Welsh Registry, pinto is not an accepted color. But I have definate Overo mare. And just check several Welsh breeders websites. There are tons of overo marked Welshes out there, but they are not listed as such.
  5. M

    lightly foundered/foundering mare

    Dixie is settled into her new home and is doing wonderful. I already have a foundered mare and I've teamed them together. They are stalled side by side. I never thought I could love a blue eyed horse, but I sure do this one. She is an absolute angel. As soon as she comes in season I'm...
  6. M

    Hungry Mule Picture

    contact the Tennessee Dept of Agriculture. I did that only in Louisiana.
  7. M

    Hungry Mule Picture

    You say these mules are in Illinois? Notify either Hooved Animal Humane Society or Hooved Animal Recue and Protection Society. Illinois has the toughest laws on the books and will do something aout them. They have the authority to go onto private property and confiscate animals. They each...