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  1. Naira3284

    conformation critique please

    ok, this filly is going to be my driving horse. she has amazing acttion! but I want to do some halter classes with her just for fun. I know her head is too big and her hip isnt deep enough. should I even bother? :DOH! ps: she is in her yearling ugly in this pick, (need new pick) how tall...
  2. Naira3284

    gold or silver?

    hi, ok, Im looking for a show halter for Olie, and Loona. they are both blue roans. my dilema is: I like gold hardware but I think that silver will mach their color better. also, what color noseband? burgendy and dark blue looks good on black horses so how would it look on a blue-roan...
  3. Naira3284

    "Moto" line???? have him in some of their horses. "CCF Rowdy Little Streaker - AMHA 144081 Tucker is our dun tovero with one blue eye. He is also part of our future frame overo breeding program and is positive for the LWO gene. He is sired by Lucky Four Medicine Man and has the...
  4. Naira3284

    Erica's Geisha is acting funny

    lol I have nothing either. :DOH!
  5. Naira3284

    Show halter question

    ok, im planing on showing my "studmuffin" this year, so I am looking at show halters. He is a blue roan so red is the only color that seems to look good on him, or just a silver/gold one. my problem is that IMO his head is a bit bigger than Id like. Its nice and dishy with big eyes, but...
  6. Naira3284

    anyone have pics of these boys?

    OK, thank you
  7. Naira3284

    need help with a name

    hi, I know how good you all are at naming. so I need your help. the name is for a blue roan filly. this girl can moove! her barn name is Loona(moon) so I need a name with one or a combo of these things: moon, blue, movement. FDF EK _________________________________ cant wait to see what...
  8. Naira3284

    Keeping horses minds at work

    good point. the shavings I use are realy big, I'v never had an issue with him eating them. I guess if you use fine shavings that could be a problem. I think if you have big shavings use small treats (pellets) if you have fine shavings use big treats (cubes) that way there is a big...
  9. Naira3284

    Keeping horses minds at work

    This might sound funny, but I have a dog treat ball for mine. My dog loves them and so does Olie. its just a big rubber ball with 2 holes in it. I fill it with some complete pellet, and he has to roll it arown the stall. As it rolls, the pellets drop slowly out. Thats how he always gets...
  10. Naira3284

    anyone have pics of these boys?

    :DOH! ok so no one has picks of these guys? LOL does anyone know where I might find them? (farm name, owner, website,...) sorry to be a pain in the butt thank you
  11. Naira3284

    anyone have pics of these boys?

    thank you racingfan72104 she's very pretty, one down 4 to go lol now, I see ACCOUNT, and ATTRACTION in alot of peds. no one has a pic. of eather of them? NFC EGYPTIAN KING'S TOP ACCOUNT GROSSHILL EK TOP ATTRACTION CIRCLE A RAMBO BRUCE'S LITTLE STAR
  12. Naira3284

    anyone have pics of these boys?

    hi, please help Im trying to make a picture ped. for my Olie. and these are the horses I cant seem to find a pic. of: NFC EGYPTIAN KING'S TOP ACCOUNT GROSSHILL EK TOP ATTRACTION CIRCLE A RAMBO HOLIDAY ACRES MY FAIR LADY BRUCE'S LITTLE STAR
  13. Naira3284

    Newest "ARMANDO" foal!!!

    hi, :saludando: I got a minute, at 1 am : :lol: I got to say I realy like Armando's Bourbon Street Blues. I think that would sound good over the loud-speeker :bgrin but I dont know, keep them coming! PS. his barn name is Prince, it fits him to the T
  14. Naira3284

    my shepard ruff housed 4 week old colt !

    OK, dont put the dog down. : if the dog ment any harm ,the colt would have been dead in less than a minute. since you let him play with the minies before, you taught him that it was ok for him to play with them. he dosent know that he has to be more gental with the little ones. "Once a dog...
  15. Naira3284

    Newest "ARMANDO" foal!!!

    Hi yall, :bgrin I finally made over here! I am sooo proud of this little fella. He is all and more of what I hoped for :aktion033: now if I could get him in the show ring. : i like some of the name sugestions too. thanks for all of the compliments, got to go. Kristina
  16. Naira3284

    Feeding boss

    where do you buy it? it sounds good :bgrin
  17. Naira3284

    Another stallion question.

    one of the stalions that my friends braught me to work with was like that. hes not being friendly, hes being dominant. I could do all the pushing and yelling I wanted and he just came right back like a rubber-band . he treated me like a horse so I decited to act like one and it worked. when he...
  18. Naira3284

    Picture Posting

    go to photo-bucket and make a album. than when you want to post a pic, right click on the URL of the pic, and copy, than click on the 'IMG' button above the box for writing, erace whats in it and than paste the URL, press OK an dyou should have a pic hope that makes scence kk
  19. Naira3284

    I cant get him to trot

    well what i always do is, keep the horses head in front of you, at all times, dont let him drag behind. get a driving whip, and when he decides to drag, tap his but. that gets my lazy butt of a brat goin ok to make that work, put the whip in your left hand so it sticks out behind you, walk a...