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  1. Naira3284


    I use nail-polish remover lol
  2. Naira3284

    Necropsy Results

    well Nan, that dosent tell us much still so sorry bout that. hope avery one else is ok. Ill come over on Sun, that ok? TTYL KK
  3. Naira3284

    OK here is another one

    I used to have that problem too, it is a viruce in the computer. I had to have the whole computer rebuilt. I would get a pop up, exit it , and get kiked off, and I could'nt post nothing eather Stacy Score, that filly is my dream horse where can I find more info on her, (sale price, hight...
  4. Naira3284

    Introducing our first filly of the year

    is she a blue roan pinto? or is it just me eather way she is a beauty
  5. Naira3284

    Show your true roans

    Oliver, my stud muffin and Luna, his daughter from this year sorry the pick is so big
  6. Naira3284

    Chickasha Sale in OK

    well lets see some pictures
  7. Naira3284


    my boy liked to rear avery time I asked him to do annyting so I taught him to rear on comand. now that it was something I was asking him to do, he dosent want to no more now he just rears if I ask him to also how old is he, my was 1 when he got in to that habit, and comed down with age
  8. Naira3284

    this summer white spot on 12 yr gelding?

    " He is a minimal expression sabino chestnut (although his papers state red/strawberry roan). No injury or any reason that I can think of. His sire is Del's Cowboy, solid palomino and dam is also solid palomino.(Landry's star brite)" corect me if im wrong, but if both of his parents are solid...
  9. Naira3284

    My horses are eating the bark on the trees

    we had only one tree they chewed on, I just took a bar of soap and ran the soap up and down the bark till it was covered in it. than we watched the horses come up to it, take a bite and start spiting and making gross faces havent chewed on it since
  10. Naira3284

    She's still doing it...

    I dont think she needs meds. how is she depresed? we had a arab mare that would do the same thing. the minute the baby would lay down to sleep, she would paw at it to get it up. she just seemed to thing that there was something wromg with the baby when it was on the ground. it got soo bad that...
  11. Naira3284

    from black to blue!

    ok, there is a agouti gene test right? so, does annybody have a site, or a place where I could get her tested? also, her barn name is Loona (moon) so FDF EK's Ina Blu Moon i dont know, just another name I thaught of. thanks
  12. Naira3284

    from black to blue!

    her legs are not sun bleached, they just are not cliped. look at her front right leg . thats how dark her legs are when cliped. I tryed that leg and than we all got tired so I gave up. lol and her mane does have a redish tint to it in some areas. but I cant see it in the picks.
  13. Naira3284

    from black to blue!

    ok I realy like some of these names, but I guess she might be a bay roan so opinions are needed. the reason her legs and nose are brown is because I dident clip them. underneath there is black hair. her head is the same color as my stalions before I cliped him. he was all bleached out. is...
  14. Naira3284

    from black to blue!

    no she's just a bleached out blue roan. plus I dident clip her legs so they are lighter than they should be. its funny, she was all black with light legs, now all that was light is dark and all that was dark is light parents are black and chestnut based, no way to get a bay.
  15. Naira3284

    New pictures of our Alliance colt... :-)

    Im not a big fan of appys, but OMG! he is beautiful!
  16. Naira3284

    from black to blue!

    well its goin to start with FDF EK's............ I dont want to use parents names since, one I cant say and the other one is dumn. some kind of dance maybe, or a shade of blue, or a blu stone... dam : Spicie F.B. sire : Dare To Dream EKs Savoir Fair
  17. Naira3284

    from black to blue!

    just cliped my litle snot. im happy with how she turned out now I still need a name. anny sugestions? I want something to do with her awsome trotting action wich I cant seem to get a pick of I always just end up with a nose in the lense, or color(blue) or something lol I dont know...