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  1. M

    First foal lost in YEARS...

    We had a mare that lost her foal 24 hours after birth. She died during the night and we left her with her mom until morning. Later that morning we sent her out to pasture and deposed of the foal. She nickered and paced the fence for a little while than took off out to pasture. She had her...
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    Exercising with a golf cart

    Don't tie the horse. The best trained and experienced horses can still spook at something and either hurt themselves or whoever is in the cart.
  3. M

    PLEASE try to be prepared when you see your mare is pregnant!

    We had someone we had only seen once when she traded a Mini mare for a Arab/Welsh mare we had, call us a couple days later wanting to know what was wrong with their mini. He was laying down and rolling. I told her he was probably colicing and to call the vet. She told us later he died. I now...
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    How much bigger can the stallion be than the mare?

    Also look into parents of mare and stallion. We have a stocky 30" mare that was bred to a refined 29" stallion. Her first filly was small and refined. As a yearling she is still very tiny and refined. Her foal this year was big. Do to the foal havibg contracted stifles, it was a very difficult...
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    FYI... The Dumor product from TSC is either made by Nutrena or Purina... Ask TSC with company is making it... We've used the Dumor without any problems... in the past... However, now that we are in South Central Missouri, the nearest TSC is 3 hours away!! "Most" store brands are usually made by...
  6. M

    Breeding ?

    We are in the middle of our breeding season. We hand breed so the mares are out in pasture with three geldings. Question is, we have two geldings that have been gelded for years. When the mares are in heat the geldings will mount the mares and even penetrate. Will that cause problems with our...
  7. M

    Babies Being Born Here....What else do YOU raise???

    We have a broody hen. Sat on five eggs and they never hatched. They were not fertile. Tried to put chicks with her and she kept pecking them. We put her back in the coop. She wouldn't let any of the other hens in the nest, needless to say she was booted out.
  8. M

    Babies Being Born Here....What else do YOU raise???

    Wasn't mad... just disappointed... Kari
  9. M

    Fikes Impressive Legacy

    I need to know the above stallion's dam and sire names... Thank you! His AMHA # is A205799... I'm a member of AMHA, but not the studbook... Should be included in the membership... It's high enough!!!
  10. M

    Magic Marker 2017

    We have ended our foaling season with a bang. Buck Easy Born Blonde (Blondie) presented us with a very leggy and refined pinto filly with a dishy head. Filly is either bay or buckskin but I'm leaning towards buckskin. Sire is Fikes Impressive Legacy, a bay pinto that turned grey. Her half...
  11. M

    Babies Being Born Here....What else do YOU raise???

    Our Lamancha had twins this morning. One elf eared buck and a eared buckling. Made my roommate mad because the doe is getting up their in age and she wanted does. Two years ago she had twin does by the same buck. Needless to say, the two bucklings will be sold.
  12. M

    Babies Being Born Here....What else do YOU raise???

    Here's pictures of the puppy and goats. No picture of the doeling or chicks.
  13. M

    Babies Being Born Here....What else do YOU raise???

    Well our Nubian surprised us with triplets. She didnt look very big so was surprised to have her have three. She wants nothing to do with them. We have to tie her up along with both back legs. She was a bottle baby herself so with research, learned it may take the mom longer to accept them. She...
  14. M

    Babies Being Born Here....What else do YOU raise???

    We are waiting on one last Miniature foal. Have a Lamancha and Nubian due any day, bred to a spotted Boer. Have three litters of rabbits. Seven pedigreed Rexes and six American Blue New Zealand crosses. Also have a hen setting on five eggs. Rooster is a Frizzle. We will see if they hatch in...
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    Magic Marker 2017

    Rains foal looks like Bells winter coat color. Spider is darker.
  16. M

    Magic Marker 2017

    Yeah we are on a wait and see with both fillies. They are younger than we like to clip and our weather has been crazy here. Rains filly, who was born April 28, is starting to shed around her eyes and nose. The color around her muzzle is starting to look like her sire. He is silver smoky black...
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    Magic Marker 2017

    And thats just the yard. You would be even more jealous if you saw the pasture. We will have to get pictures of this filly and the other filly born three weeks ago together. We felt the other filly was a silver dapple. Her dam is black and sire is silver smoky black, HZ silver. She is so much...
  18. M

    Help guesstimating foaling

    Few more weeks and plenty of exercise, you will never know his legs hadn't been straight from the beginning.
  19. M

    Magic Marker 2017

    Some other people think she may be silver black or possible silver smoky black. Her eyes are crystal blue. Looked foal color images up and one site said smokey black foals could be born with blue or blue green eyes. They showed a picture and her eyes look like the image. She's definitly not the...
  20. M

    Magic Marker 2017

    Okay here is pictures of our new filly. Think she is black or smoky black. One think that has us confused is her crystal blue eyes. Dam is sorrel with a star and snip. Sire is a buckskin with no white. Neither have blue eyes.