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  1. chandab

    2025 Crafting thread...

    Just jumping off and starting a new crafting thread for 2025. I have nothing new to share, yet; but hopefully will after I get my paperwork done for the taxman. Happy New Year! Happy Crafting!
  2. chandab

    2024 crafter's delight - whatcha working on?

    Starting a new thread for the new year. Just barely starting a new pattern, trying a new block pattern, haven't decided how big I'm going to go, I've only made two blocks so far. The block is called Jacob's Ladder, this is the first time I've ever worked with this pattern.
  3. chandab

    2023 crafting for all...

    Just thought I'd start the 2023 crafting thread. I don't have anything new to share, yet; but hopefully will fairly soon.
  4. chandab

    small space saving hint...

    I have one horse in a separate barn, so needed to come up with an idea for his supplements without having to haul them back and forth daily, so I hung an under shelf basket in his feed bin. pic of the basket in the bin, and one pulled from the internet to show the type of basket.
  5. chandab

    Foaling 2020...

    Nasty weather last night, put out our power after midnight, and... a tiny smoky black filly came out too. Bonny had the tiniest little smoky black filly. And, as far as I could see not a stitch of white on her, and looks to be dark eyes, not even baby blues, but with the wind, I just got her...
  6. chandab

    2020 projects

    New project thread for 2020. Been working on it awhile, don't have any pictures yet, but working on a graduation gift for my nephew. Don't think they'd see it here, but will still refrain from further info until after gifting. That said, I finished a little project this year already. Last...
  7. chandab

    One summer project about done (panel shelter):

    About finished my panel and pallet shelter today, just need a couple more pallets for the floor. I've seen the blogs and comments about them, so thought I'd try my own for some hay storage. Chose between my barn and feed building to hopefully protect it from our strong winds. I know I have...
  8. chandab

    2019 projects

    Might as well start a new projects thread for the new year. I'm working on an exchange block project for quilt guild. We made and exchanged triangle pieces to be used in any project we want. I had enough triangles to make 6 blocks plus I made 6 plain blocks to coordinate. Still working on...
  9. chandab

    Scoops, tubs, buckets, oh my!

    Just curious for those of you who feed supplements, doesn't matter what supplements... What do you do with the buckets and scoops after the supplements are gone? I feed a couple supplements on a regular basis, so have a fair size pile scoops and buckets, tubs and jars. Saving scoops is nice, as...
  10. chandab


    Where have the older posts gone? I don't see much from before this year. I was looking for a post about a horse with absorption issues to help someone going through something similar, so I could at least inquire with the owner about passing information on.
  11. chandab

    LB Sales page?

    What happened to all the sales ads on the LB sales page, both the US and international pages are empty? Just hard to believe that no one is advertising. Is it a new year glitch?
  12. chandab

    Rolled Oats?

    Rolled Oats? Any of you that feed oats, can you still get actual steam rolled oats? The last probably decade, any thing I've picked up labelled rolled oats are actually just crimped oats (or flattened oats). I would love to find the good steam rolled oats that are nice and flat, almost like...
  13. chandab

    Bliss's Boo-boo - [10 days ago]

    this actually happened about 10 days ago, but I've been busy doctoring and halter training, so haven't posted til now. On the 11th, my birthday, my day started business as usual, didn't see anything amiss when I got to the corral (other than I left the pasture gate open, so had to bring the...
  14. chandab

    Skeletal Atavism in minis, testing...

    Sounds like testing for the Skeletal Atavism type of dwarfism will be available in the fairly near future. Skeletal Atavism is the type that produces the wiener dog looking minis; normal bodies with shortened and crooked legs...
  15. chandab

    Commercial feed product?

    Does anyone know of any commercially available horse feeds that are made with "original" ingredients? I'm looking for feeds that would use alfalfa, oats, barley, flax, and I can tolerate beet pulp. Seems like most if not all feeds contain "second-hand" ingredients such as distillers dried...
  16. chandab

    Neonatal Isoerythrolysis (NI)?

    Ok, so I borrowed this information from a donkey/mule forum; but it happens in horses, too. How common is NI in miniature horses? Anyone know? Does anyone check compatibility with their new foals? [i never have, and to my knowledge this hasn't been a problem for me. I've only lost two foals; one...
  17. chandab

    HC Minis - 2016 foaling thread

    Looks like the powers at be archived my old thread, it was 4 years old, so guess it's time to start a new one. Here's my post from yesterday to the old thread: ooh, ooh, ooh... I almost forgot to post. I belly hugged 4 of 5 girls after supper tonight: I think I may have felt a flutter with...
  18. chandab

    2016 projects

    two quilts planned.
  19. chandab

    What happened to the old threads for back porch?

    Probably me and my computer, since nothing is working right today. But I was trying to search old Back Porch posts, and I only have one page of posts, and I know there are old posts. And, when I use the search feature on the Back Porch, my computer as good as locks up.
  20. chandab

    Edit Button missing?

    Ok, so what happened to the edit button for posts? I was looking to update a thread title, and the edit button is gone. It's here for this topic, but it was missing from my mare stare topic