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  1. Kim Rule

    I'm a bad Dog Mommy!

    Yesterday I got fed up with my dog Ash bringing in tons of dirt. He is a Border Collie/Keeshund mix, and he has the long coat of a Border Collie, mixed with the undercoat of the Keeshund. He lays in a dirt hole for quite a bit of time, and then brings in the dirt. You can tell where he lays...
  2. Kim Rule

    Possible Knee Replacement

    I was at the doctor this week. He's a Osteopathic physician. I have this injury that happend decades ago...I got kicked by a horse in the knee. That was back when I was bullet proof and immortal, ya know?? Anyway, it was never treated...and now it's giving me fits. I've had some x-rays...
  3. Kim Rule

    Got a phone call last night...

    A guy who used to be a neighbor called...he's working for a corn's a local attraction that happens every Halloween season. He asked what would I rent a mini for!! I asked him why he wanted it, and he said that the people who own the corn maze wanted a little barn yard, with goats and...
  4. Kim Rule

    This is just silly!

    I have been lusting after a particular mare since spring...and I have even gone so far as to ask for more pictures. My husband and I discussed it, and he said (much to my surprise) "Why don't you sell YaYa? She's the smallest horse we have, and she doesn't exactly fit with the rest of the...
  5. Kim Rule

    Minis mystify me!

    Okay, Wynnie is going very nicely in the cart now. I’m trying to condition her for a show in July…and I figure the best was to kill two birds with one stone (get her fit, and put miles on her) is to drive. She’s pudgy…I just finished walking and trotting her about 5 miles. She was puffing a...
  6. Kim Rule

    Great show in IDAHO!!!

    The All Star Show that we had was SO much fun. It was a good turn out, and we had some spectators, too. I know that we alked to people who started out with "Oh, how cute!" and than found out that little horses are quite the athletes too! Horray for everyone who worked SO hard to make the show...
  7. Kim Rule

    Bits for showing?

    So Bilbo is being awfully forward when I drive him sometimes...He'll grab the snaffle, and move out, with me hauling as hard as I can to get him stopped. So today I drove in a Liverpool bit. The reins were on the top hole, right under the ring. He had a curb chain on. He did so much better...
  8. Kim Rule

    Can someone tell me something about this horse?

    I have a neighbor that has an older stallion for sale. His owner said he's triple registered: AMHR, AMHA, WCHR. His name is Rollin Acres (Hills?) Red Head. He's a red and white medicine hat. He apparently throws a lot of black and white. I'd love a look up, or whatever you can tell me...
  9. Kim Rule

    What a morning!!!

    Okay, so there I was…in the semi-dark. It was 6:00am, and I was getting ready to feed my minis. I step outside, and immediately count noses. 1-2-3…where’s Wynnie? So I called her. She usually at least will appear, if not call out to me. Nothing. Oh crap! I look in the dark part of...
  10. Kim Rule

    EVA Vaccination?

    Hi all...I've been lurking for a while, but this question came up. I am participating in a function that will be on an horse ranch. The property owners require an EVA vaccination for every horse participating. I may have been hiding under a rock for a while, but I've never heard of it. So, I...
  11. Kim Rule

    Would this be possible??

    Okay, so there I was, Bilbo was hooked up. The other three horses were tethered to the cart, carrying little packs. And I was driving to Las Vegas. When I woke up, it got me far could a mini go anyway??? If he was in shape...and we packed light... Gee, not much sleep with a...
  12. Kim Rule

    An Awful Day...

    My beautiful puppy that I was so proud of not long ago has to go away. Yesterday, in the midst of fireworks, and a BIG thunder storm...he went nuts. He attacked my horses! They have mostly superficial wounds thank god...but he left teeth marks, and marks where he clawed them. I found Beren...
  13. Kim Rule

    I need some help!

    Last night our older dog, Ash showed up with a really gooey eye. He keeps rubbing it, and making it worse. Last night I soaked a towel in cool water, and cleaned his eye. Then I held the towel gently on his eye for a little while. He seemed to like it. He held still for quite a while. I...
  14. Kim Rule

    Where can I get a wooden pack saddle?

    I'm looking for good, old fashioned, pack saddles. Does anyone know where I can get them mini sized? Kim R.
  15. Kim Rule

    My teenager-He's done it AGAIN!

    Had a big scare yesterday. I got a call at school...the school nurse had called 911 because my son was cold and clammy, white, and unresponsive. He was taken to the hospital. He apparently had been smoking pot during lunch! He apparently overdosed on it! :new_shocked: We had him tested...
  16. Kim Rule

    I'm Back from California

    Hi everybody...I got back late last night. I was going to go to work tomorrow, but I have a horrible cold, and I feel lousy. I am not sure I understand all of this, but I feel different somehow. Even home feels different. Mom never saw this home, I'm not sure why it feels different. I...
  17. Kim Rule

    Okay Friends, I need your help!

    I still can't believe it. I found out after work today. My dad called me, and told me as I was walking out to my car. Dad got the news in a round-about way...but he let us know as quick as he could. I nearly collapsed out there in the parking lot. I had to go inside to the school to settle...
  18. Kim Rule

    Can Shetlands fit??

    My husband and I have plans in the future of adding a shetland or two to our herd. We also are looking at getting a miniature horse trailer. If we got the mini horse trailer, would shetlands fit inside it? I know they won't fit in our van!!! What is your experience with hauling shetlands and...
  19. Kim Rule


    I have been resisting puppy lust for the LONGEST time! I have talked to dog breeders across the nation, and almost bought a couple of pups, but resisted because of shipping, or price, or the fact that my dryer and stove have a suicide pact! But, it finally got me! Last Thursday we went and...
  20. Kim Rule

    Asburger's Syndrome?

    I have a teenage son who has been struggling with school for years. He is very smart (a verbal IQ of 130) but socially he is pretty inept. He is flunking his courses...and suffers from social anxiety. Yesterday he told me that he found an article about Asburger's Syndrome. It's a type of...