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  1. HersheyMint


    I am sharing this post from Bray Club on Facebook. Good advice to know. You should trust where you are buying products from. "Vets online say they have been notified by Durvet to keep an eye out for counterfeit ivermectin. We called Durvet directly this morning to ask about the situation and...
  2. HersheyMint

    Mini mule

    I just wanted to share pics of this cute mini mule. I volunteered at a rescue/sanctuary and saw this guy. The first one I’ve seen.
  3. HersheyMint

    Walking and or hiking with minis 2025

    January 1st 2025, I started the year right. I walked Kingsley 2.75 for 1hr 15 min Happy New Year 🥳
  4. HersheyMint

    The Horse , the Human, the Truth

    I just watched the trailer for this documentary series on Netflix. The Horse, the Human, the Truth, by Living the Horse with Ribbleton. It is a documentary series coming early 2025. It looks interesting to me, I will watch it. I thought I would share.
  5. HersheyMint

    Costumes for minis!

    My first responders are ready and waiting for Halloween. With 2 sheriffs and 1 firefighter our neighbors should be safe. 😁Happy Halloween. Anyone else have costumes?
  6. HersheyMint

    Name Tags

    Recently I have seen post where people found loose horses and with fires in my area, (evacuations) it had me thinking about name tags. I ordered tags for my halters so if anything happened when I am out with the minis, someone could call or know where they belong. I thought I would share. You...
  7. HersheyMint

    Calming paste

    With 4th of July coming up, we have a lot fireworks set off around here. Last year I sat out with the minis and they were very nervous. I plan to be out with them this year as well. Thinking a calming paste might help. What you suggest for an over the counter calming paste?
  8. HersheyMint

    Walking/Hiking with your minis 2024

    Jan 30th, 2024 I walked with Kingsley one mile. I was determined to get a walk in before this month was over. :)
  9. HersheyMint

    Pictures of my Horskeys

    It’s beginning to look like Christmas Rudolph, Santa and an elf
  10. HersheyMint

    I'll be at the barn

    I saw this from the National Equine Resource Network and thought it was worth sharing I'll be in the barn. When people have come to visit over the years they commonly hear from me "I'll be in the barn." When life gets hard I'll be in the barn. When things are just right I'll be in the barn. When...
  11. HersheyMint

    Tonight’s sunset

    Two of my favorite things, sunsets and minis.😁
  12. HersheyMint

    Jeffrey’s update.

    I've had Jeffrey since April 11th. We are becoming friends. :D I still leave the halter on. I don't think I could catch him otherwise. He let's me walk up, give him scratches from behind and then I move up to his neck and most of the time I can catch him that way. For the first time yesterday I...
  13. HersheyMint

    Meet Kingsley

    My new addition arrived Thursday. He is a little taller than Mint. I'm hoping they will be life long friends.
  14. HersheyMint

    My donkey friends

    Hi, I'm going today to look at a mini donkey for a companion to my mini mare. I am around mini donkeys where I volunteer but I know that it is different having one myself. Asking for adive on what to ask the owner and what to look for with the donkey. They don't know his age, they got him from a...
  15. HersheyMint

    Would you buy a mini with Laminitis ?

    I've been searching for a companion mini horse. I have inquired about 2 minis selling as a pair. One has laminitis, about 10 yrs. old. Would you buy a mini with laminitis? I have no experience with this or what all the care would be. Asking for advice. Thank you
  16. HersheyMint

    Horse Wanted Looking for a mini horse

    Hi, I'm looking for a mini horse as a companion to my mini mare and also me in southern California area. I offer lots of love and walks to share. Thanks
  17. HersheyMint

    Intestinal stones

    Has anyone had to deal with intestinal stones with their mini? Mine seems to colic around this time when the weather gets colder. Vet came out and treated him for colic but nothing has passed through. Vet now thinks it maybe intestinal stones. Hoping for some positive out come.
  18. HersheyMint

    Happy 4th of July

    Happy 4th from my barn to yours🇺🇸
  19. HersheyMint

    Do you use Balls or toys?

    I have been thinking of buying interactive balls for my minis. Does anyone have these? Do your minis play with them? I was thinking of getting one where you add treats. Asking your thoughts on this. Thanks
  20. HersheyMint

    Picture of Mint as a newborn

    I found this picture on FB when My Mint was born. Turns out she is 4 months older than I thought. Now I know her birthday 😁 Her mom’s name is Peppermint Patty😂