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  1. NoahG

    Happy Ponies

    Just a little collection of pictures. The minis are finally healthy again and enjoying their new home.
  2. NoahG

    Edema on mini's belly

    Hey everyone, I come bearing yet more not great news on Winston. About a week ago I noticed what felt like a small lump under Winston's belly, and the vet was out yesterday and when I mentioned it to him he briefly checked it and said it could be Pigeon Fever. I checked it again today and it's...
  3. NoahG

    Preparing wild land for minis

    Hey everyone. I finally got a job in central coast california and I'm moving then minis to our property. The land is pretty wild other than our neighbor occasionally mowing a section for us. The ground is spotted with coastal native plants, ruts cracks and bumps. A little uneven terrain is good...
  4. NoahG

    Winston Update

    Hello everyone, Life got busy again (shocking, I know) and I completely forgot about posting an update about my boy Winston. Winston has gone from a feeble and sickly baby, who could barely stand when I picked his feet, who had teeth so bad they bled and had to have one removed, into a strong...
  5. NoahG


    Hello Everyone, I am writing to update all of you on Aggie's health. Ever since her visit to San Luis Rey, she has done nothing but improve. The stress rings in her hoofs have finally grown completely out, and after her most recent farrier trim, the thrush-y, flaky, soft and deformed tissue has...
  6. NoahG

    Vets in south Idaho

    Hello Everyone, I am possibly moving to south Idaho and am having an extremely hard time finding any vets who do house calls aren't booked up solid, or are a breeding-only vet who only responds to reproductive emergencies. I've called at least 5 vets and none of them are taking new clients...
  7. NoahG

    Mini hoof changes

    Hello Everyone, Aggie's hoofs have slowly been changing, and lately I've noticed ridges appearing on her hoofs. The edges have been peeling more lately and the tops of her hoofs are appearing flakey. There's been no change in her diet and other than the abscess she's had no soundless issues with...
  8. NoahG

    Hoof abscess or laminitis?

    Hey everyone, Since I am doomed to never catch a break with Aggie, yesterday evening she had a sudden onset of lameness in her back left leg. She had been fine that morning, but looking back the past couple days she had seemed to favor resting on her right leg but not to a worrying degree...
  9. NoahG

    Horse facilities in South Idaho

    Good afternoon everyone, I may (sooner than expected) be moving with the minis from suburban Los Angeles area CA to a rural town in Idaho for a job. A google search has turned up nothing, so does anybody here know of good horse facilities near or west of Twin Falls Idaho? It would be just...
  10. NoahG

    Aggie Update!

    Hey everyone, So I have a hopefully final update on Aggie. She went to San Luis Rey a second time to have her socket checked since we thought there was a hole that didn’t heal and was causing a sinus infection. They said everything was good so she came home. A week later her nose started...
  11. NoahG

    Mini bitten

    Hello everyone, This one's a little urgent. Yesterday Winston had a little bump on his lip and I assumed he was just stung by a bee or maybe bit by an ant. Today however the bump is showing exposed tissue and oozing blood. No fever. He's interested in his food and is his usual friendly self. Is...
  12. NoahG

    2 Years with Aggie

    Two years ago today, out on a whim, I went out to see a mini mare that a rescue said needed a new home. She was timid, wanted nothing to do with me, but everyone told me she was a sweet mare. How little I knew 2 years later she'd be the sweetest little girl. She still has obstacles to overcome...
  13. NoahG

    Locked Stifle out of nowhere

    Hello Everyone, I unfortunately bring more bad news about Aggie. This morning her stifle was locked and it took several backing attempts to unlock it. This was when she woke up from a standing nap. Her stifle has never locked before and she has never had any joint issues until now. After moving...
  14. NoahG

    Items for keeping minis on your property for the first time

    Hey everyone, As the title suggests, I will shortly be moving my minis out of the boarding facility and to our property in SLO County. So far on my mental list of things to prepare the property is have a section of grass cleared where they will stay, the fencing to make their enclosure, a...
  15. NoahG

    Aggie Update

    Hello Everyone, After a trip to San Luis Rey Equine Hospital and several thousands of dollars in bills later, we found Aggie's problem. She had an infected tooth. They found it on CT scan and the infection had spread to almost all of her head sinuses. The tooth was removed, and after a long...
  16. NoahG

    Anyone from Idaho?

    Hello everyone, I have been wanting to leave California for some time, but now I have my 2 minis to think of for when/if I move. Is there anyone here on the forum who has advice on keeping minis in Idaho, what part of the state they're in and how they handle the colder winters? I have lived in...
  17. NoahG

    Temporary pellet diet for mini

    Hey everyone, My vet's favorite customer Aggie has a new infection. Her socket apparently didn't heal properly and it has become infected and is possibly spreading to her sinuses. Vet came out and believes there's hay getting caught in her socket causing infection. While it looks infected vet...
  18. NoahG

    Mini mare unwell

    Hello everyone, Yesterday while trying to remove a piece of hay from Aggie's eye, she reared so high she fell over backwards and hit the fence. She hopped right back up and we soon got the hay out. Today her eye looks twice as bad, and now she won't stop laying down. She's interested in food...
  19. NoahG

    Mare colicky after giving antibiotics

    Hello everyone, Today's post should have been about Aggie's successful CT scan and infected tooth removal, but after her first dose of antibiotics after getting home she started acting colicky within minutes. Constant tail swishing and the urge to roll and not stop. She's acting suddenly...
  20. NoahG

    Living Alone With Minis

    Hello everyone, Provided I get accepted, I will be moving out soon with my minis and be living on our family's new land (which is fairly undeveloped) in order to attend a fire academy. Instead of keeping my minis at a boarding facility they will literally be living outside my door! The area is...