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  1. sfmini

    Registering questions about AMHR/AMHA and Pinto

    The 34” limitation for AMHA is not new, it is the base height since its inception.
  2. sfmini

    Cold Weather Care

    Feel the ribs, not the withers or belly.
  3. sfmini

    Udder development?

    Be sure to have a snap test for Igg after the foal is born to see if it got enough colostrum.
  4. sfmini

    AMHA World Champ Live Feed???

    It’s not on youtube. At least not this year’s. It is at They were having trouble with it earlier but appears to be fine now.
  5. sfmini

    First time trailering? Loose or tied?

    30+ years of showing and hauling minis here. My vote is loose in a trailer with the divider out and be sure and buy a trailer with upper doors so the baby is totally enclosed. Believe it or not they can jump over the back door if you only get a trailer that is open in the top rear.
  6. sfmini

    Inherited 12 minis and 5 donkeys.

    All good advice so far. I also suggest a book called “Getting Your First Horse” by Judith Dutson. It’s full of great information.
  7. sfmini

    Just an update.

    Hoping for the best for you both. This sucks.
  8. sfmini

    Anyone decorating yet?

    Marsha, knitting is really easy, there are only two things to learn, knit and purl. All the fancy stuff is done using those two stitches. I am self taught via YouTube, even found tutorials for us lefties so no excuses. I’m currently going crazy knitting a Maize and Blue Afghan for my Aunt who...
  9. sfmini

    Just checking in to say hello

    I am so sorry for your situation. Please contact your local Agency on Aging as they can connect you with the help you need. It sounds like you should be eligible for Medicaid and they can also connect you with assistance for transportation to medical appointments for yourself. It is key...
  10. sfmini

    Mini Horses still misrepresented.

    They are great for starting kids in horse showing and handling. For older adults not able to handle biggies any more Therapy animals that can visit nursing homes. We trail drive ours for pleasure. The VSE division is getting bigger as it takes less strength, money, trailer, equipment to...
  11. sfmini

    Service/companion Minis

    Horses are prey animals Just sayin
  12. sfmini

    Wintering the mini: Free choice hay?

    I was taught always to feed hay and supplement as needed with grain. Learned the HARD way to never judge body condition with eyes but to always feel. ALWAYS. A little chubby is good, obese like me is not. As long as the weight is good, you are doing fine. Just a decent quality grass hay is...
  13. sfmini

    not sure

    You could short cycle her and that would end a potential pregnancy allowing you to start over clean. If you don't do that, you will need to put the mare on each stallion's stud report and parent qualify the foal when it is born. That means all three of the adult horses will have to be DNA tested.
  14. sfmini

    Herding with the Cardigans

  15. sfmini

    Herding with the Cardigans

    Yay! Finally get to see pictures of Lily. Since I had to hide, I didn't get to see her work! Working on getting some of the lard off so she does better next time. I did get pictures of Boo and Lainey. I need to switch to my laptop to post those.
  16. sfmini

    what color would you call her..try to put her parents pics as well.

    For registration you need an application for registration from the registry (or registries), a signed transfer of ownership from the owners. The sire and dam must be registered in the sellers names, both in each registry you are trying to get papers from, and stallion service certificates have...
  17. sfmini

    New to Minis, Lots of questions

    It sounds like you have a great setup and the dog background will help you a lot. Horses are different though in that they are prey animals, not predators like dogs so big differences in instinctual behavior. Something you might want to think about is Monty Roberts University. Monty is the...
  18. sfmini

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    The smart thing to do, especially with no horse experience would be to send your mare to a trainer to start driving. It is very important that she gets a very solid education in the basics and started the right way. A wreck in the cart can ruin a horse for life for driving not to mention get one...
  19. sfmini

    I need to run to a Feed store, but what do I need?

    A good book to read (yes, my name is in the credits) is Getting Your First Horse by Judith Dutson. Her intended audience is adult first time horse owners and everything in there applies to all horses, big and small. Listen to podcasts by Horse Radio Network, especially Horses in the Morning and...
  20. sfmini

    New to Minis, Lots of questions

    We have a mix of board, woven, and electrobraid. Nothing wrong with electric fence. Once they know the fence bites they stay off of it and makes life much easier. A good book to read (yes, my name is in the credits) is Getting Your First Horse by Judith Dutson. Her intended audience is adult...