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  1. J

    Donna Norcross

    VERY NICE work Robin!! Jim Guerin Jimmini Farm Yelm, WA
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    Robin, she is a gorgeous lil girl!!! Congrats to Kate and Nort!! You too! Jim Guerin
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    Let me share my CHRISTMAS!

    Robin, I cant think of anyone more deserving than you! Jim Guerin Yelm, WA
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    WOW, and double WOW, total pg. 31

    I am thankful for my good health, being retired, my Mom, all my furkids and my friends. Jim Guerin
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    Great looking babies!!! Congrats Robin!! {{{HUGS}}} Jim Guerin
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    I'm such a sap!

    Hay Robin, A very big CONGRATULATIONS to you and Karrell on your 20th Anniversary!! You will have many more years to look forward to! I second the motion!! An updated pic is in order!! From all 24 ( and another alpaca baby due in just over a week!! ) of the kids and I at Jimmini Farm ...
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    2nd LOTTO BABY!

    WOW!!!!!!!!!! Big Congrats all around!! I like the black on the end of her tail, nice touch!! Jim Guerin
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    Fundraiser Auction for one of our forum members

    About an hour ago I read a mail Nancy sent me. Not much more than has been posted by Sterling. They did loose their home and business. All are OK. I did a search on their address, . In the upper right corner of the map is a...
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    Lotto, The Globe Trotter

    Hi Everyone!! Jim is letting me tell my story, but it is a bit difficult to type. I seem to be all hooves, but here goes!! Thought I would check in and tell of my new adventures here at Jimmini Farm! I feel kinda like that Roaming Gnome guy, only better looking I made it here feeling...
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    Bimectin De-Wormer HOAX

    On 10 Feb 06 I placed an online order for Ivermectin from Country Supply. In the mail today, I got the Bimectin. I will be calling them in the morning and chewing on someones butt. I will NOT use this product. I will not bet the life of any of my kids. I suppose Quest wormer problems is a...
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    Mouse Poision

    Thank you for your thoughts and kind words. A little clarification: I didnt put out the bait. I had bought it for a rental, used about a half stick. I prefer to put out a few grains of feed, and hold a hammer over them and drop it on em instead. ( I have gotten three or four that way! ) The...
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    Mouse Poision

    Hi Again All, Just thought I would give an Update on my two boys. They are doing very well. Last Thursday, I called Dells where I bought the mouse / rat bait, and asked them if there was any web site or phone # on the pkg. Mary went and looked, and said that there wasn't, but it was Mfg for...
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    Snotty Nose

    Annette, no appology necessary!! Didnt expect any one to remember me. Mom and I were there just to see all the very nice horsies:) About the only showing I do is my belly, thankfully that isnt all that big!! The Bute was a one time thing. I gave my VERY FIRST SHOTS this morning!! After...
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    Snotty Nose

    Hi Annette, Terry, the vet, showed me both the neck and butt areas for shots. She said to not give the shot in the same spot. Dont know if I will make it to Spanaway for sure or not. I did meet you once, along with Crabby Chicken, Sam from New Port, Rob, and Jana from out on the coast, could...
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    Snotty Nose

    She did say it would be thick, and that it could warm up a bit, but not just how much. She did also say that it seperates, so not to leave the bottle out. I have it out near the barn in a refer now, so I will draw a couple syringes and bring them into the house refer, so I can set them out...
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    Snotty Nose

    Vet was here a short while ago. She said Sport could have pneumonia, he could have aspirated milk into his lungs. She gave him a shot of Banimine, along with penicillin, and Gentocin. And left four shots of Gentocin, one a day, and a huge! ( thats the smallest bottle she had ) of penicillin...
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    Snotty Nose

    Thanks Joyce! The vet did call me back, and ask if I had any SMZ pills, ( dont know what those are ) I dont. She suggested she could come out today, emeergency call, or I could wait till tomorrow and go in and get the pills. I opted to get the pills tomorrow... I just got back from the barn...
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    Can you train a horse to be clean/neat

    Cant answer your question, but I have a mare and her foal, in the foaling stall paddock, they can come and go as they please. Rosy can be standing out side at the gate, follow me in, go in the stall and assume the position, and pee!! A few times I have seen both her and her foal, Eddy...
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    Snotty Nose

    Hi All, While I am waiting for the vet to call me, I thought I would ask here! My just one month old colt, Sport, has a very snotty nose this morning. I took his temp, and it was with in the range. Any thoughts? While I am asking, my other colt, Eddy, born on 21 Jun, has the runs, for two...