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  1. K

    mini mare

    thanks the thing I don't understand is the fliud in uterus and the big belly and swollen undder??
  2. K

    mini mare

    my mini mare was postive by ultrasound in May and now there is fluid in her Uterus but no foal vet thinks it's scar tissue
  3. K

    weight gain

    How much weight should a mini gain during pregancy??????
  4. K

    color question

  5. K

    color question

    my mini mare is due anytime and I was wondering what color the foal will be ????? The stud is a buckskin pinto and the mare is brown/white pinto can anyone help me ???? thanks
  6. K

    STOLEN HORSE from Vancouver Island

    I live in Campell River on Vancouver Island I will keep my eyes ,ears open .
  7. K

    opinions please

    She looks in foal to me. I also I have the same problem with my mini mare pasture bred my mare was in with the stud for seven months altra sound gave a june july due date .and I am still waiting for her to foal I bought my mare Oct 16 o4 My mare has had milk for almost 2 weeks it's clear white...
  8. K

    maiden mare

    so my mini is a brood mare although her first foal died do to a hard birth She is pregnant again and do any day now Bought her breed. And the person that sold her to me didn't even know.
  9. K

    maiden mare

    What is the diffence between a maiden mare and brood mare????
  10. K

    Can a yearling reproduce if he's not dropped yet?

    yes I have a mare that pasture bred with a 10 month old colt.