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  1. M

    Sad day

    I cannot imagine how shocked and heart-broken you were (are) at such a tragic sight and loss. At least it was quick and OhNo didn't have any time to suffer, but that doesn't make it any easier for all of you! Lightening is very freaky stuff when it comes to how much devastation it can wreak...
  2. M

    Any Updates recently on the Bradfords & their Minis??

    Thanks Kay for your quick answer! I am soooooo relieved to hear that things are slowly getting back to normal for them and that their horses were going to be able to return home. What a nightmare for all of them, (and especially for the little foal that lost her mother during the storm.)...
  3. M

    Any Updates recently on the Bradfords & their Minis??

    Hi All! I'm new here and really came to see if any one had heard any more recent (than the Oct 1, 2005- which seems to be the last post on this topic) updates on the Bradford family and their mini-s? Any progress on getting the family's home repaired and their horses reunited with them??? They...