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    Meet Stella :)

    Stella is almost 5 months, just a few days shy, and her dam is an older lady who is starting to struggle a bit too much (in fact Stella is probably her last) so I made the decision with the breeder to bring her home this weekend. I have to say that I'm in LOVE, complete love! She is a total...
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    New furry addition to our household

    Oh cute, I LOVE golden retrievers. If one would just drop in my lap I'd have one in a heart beat! I had the 'animal lovers' discussion with a friend this week, lol. They were taking family photos and it consisted of 8 people and 8 dogs...we were hoping for a patient photographer :P My small...
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    Fun over; work begins!

    Love it!! Looking forward to doing much of the same with my little guys when we start clearing out some of our property! All I have right now is a pleasure harness, but I've been eyeballing collars all week :D
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    Dog treats????

    Caution on the hotdogs, cheese and peanutbutter. Hotdogs make my male Aussie upchuck every time, he just can't handle them and Cheese upsets my small female (she gets the scoots) and does the same to my sister's heeler. PB gives my other female HORRIBLE in she'll peel paint off the...
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    Animal Jealousy

    I think the better term is resource guarding, and it can come in a variety of different forms, from food to their humans to their favorite toy, their own body or even a particular 'spot' or personal space. ALL dogs have the potential for this and many times dogs actually do this without anyone...
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    foal colic no vet availabile

    I wonder if you can report those vets to the licensing boards in your state? That's kinda ridiculous that they are not going out just because it's a mini....You're a paying client as any other horse owner and if the animal is in distress...I can see something like a small animal vet not wanting...
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    My retired brood mare

    ok, I could be totally wrong but based on what always happens with most untried horses....when she balks and doesn't want to go forward, are you asking for her to step out straight forward? A trick with any youngster (and starting driving is still a 'youngster' to driving, IMO) is to 'unlock'...
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    Frustrated - "everything seems fine until it isn't"

    Field of Dreams, this is exactly my point...Closer in size doesn't make a difference in some cases.Big on Big or Mini on Mini can even hurt each other. Even exact same sized horses can hurt each other. My old QH mare was kicked in the jaw by her half sister (very closely matched and bred...
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    Dog grooming costs?

    hmmm, I was under the impression that you shouldn't shave double coated breeds...I keep my Aussies tidy with a undercoat rake, slicker (the furminator will break the top coat) and a nice set of thinning shears mostly for their fuzzy feet. If I'm running agility I will clean the bottoms to get...
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    Clipped filly. Major changes.

    I'd say bay, that 'stripe' is not clear enough to be dun...lots of bays have countershading like that
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    How to keep track of show placings?

    there needs to be an app for that, lol. one that you can input classes as you enter and then check off if scratched and easily input as you might could customize a to-do list some how like in Cozi or some other app? Clipboard or on the ribbons was how we always kept track. My mind...
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    silver dapple genetics?

    I'm starting to believe it more myself too. hmmmm, thought I was getting a sorrel, but this would be so much more cool, lol. Can't wait to see how she sheds out :D
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    They do it with needles here, no 'machine' it will pinch them a bit, as mentioned it's a larger needle to get the chip thru, but it's really no worse, actually less than giving them penicillin because it's quick and over with in less time. Some of them never notice. One of my dogs had it done...
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    Louisiana requires either chip or brand for coggins testing. all vets, sale barns and large farms have 'the scanners around here. I will say in emergency situations like hurricanes it has been an invaluable tool in returning horses to their rightful owners. I've watched all the facebook posts...
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    silver dapple genetics?

    I played with the calculator and got the wild guesses with nothing being higher than 18% (which IMO leaves too much open :P) so I am probably going to do the $40 deal first, if she ends up Ee Aa then I'm really gonna have to say she's silver bay :P Dun colts will start out with some funky colors...
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    silver dapple genetics?

    ok, so if the dam carries an agouti gene baby could possibly be silver bay? that possibility of the mare being the one carrying the bay, didn't enter my mind. The Agouti wouldn't be expressed in the dam because she's sorrel/chestnut? is that correct? So if she's possibly silver bay, what...
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    Frustrated - "everything seems fine until it isn't"

    hmmm, I know this won't be popular but I'm a never say never type of person. I really think you need to evaluate the horse it's with before you say never. In most cases I'm sure it's probably best to not mix them but even two horses of the same size can hurt each other. Mares can injure their...
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    silver dapple genetics?

    can some one explain to me the genetics and probabilities/possibilities of sorrel pinto x with a silver dapple pinto? Mom is a deep chestnut with no hint of flaxen, Dad was a deep steel/pewter grey color with white mane and tail (though how much of that was from the pinto I don't know) Baby is...