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  1. Cupcake

    ISO A size harness

    I've been ground driving my little one (who turned 2 in April) all summer and she does GREAT! I was able to borrow a harness from a friend but need to get my own as I can't keep hers forever. I found a good priced starter harness but when measuring her it turns out everything I've been looking...
  2. Cupcake

    Dogs...what to do

    I know the feeling. I've had dogs try to chase me while riding my Paint through the neighborhood. Usually turning him towards them and telling them to get lost gets them to leave.also had dogs charge at me and my two dogs when walking. That's when i put mine i na sit stay, position myself in...
  3. Cupcake

    another transformation

    I think our horses are living proof that the neglected, starved and "so ugly they're cute" cases are worth looking at and you never know what beauty might come out of it! I certainly wanted a super cute and pretty and perfect miniature horse when I started looking, but when I saw her I felt the...
  4. Cupcake

    another transformation

    Awesome! Looks like another great turnaround I just posted pics of mine, she was in the same bad shape, 10 months young, thinner than thin, with a potbelly and her spine sticking out. Great job! Can't wait to see pics of yours a year from now, mine has changed so much over this past year.
  5. Cupcake

    From mammoth to diva - before & after :)

    Oops, sorry, hadn't had my coffee yet when I posted that LOL I did a crappy job clipping her this year. Between her tons of wintercoat and a long haired curly cocker my clippers and I ran out of energy so she has a few spots on her right side and legs I messed up on and are growing out kinda...
  6. Cupcake

    From mammoth to diva - before & after :)

    Thank you all so much! And a LOT of credit goes to members on this board! Without your knowledge and support i would have been clueless about so many "Mini" things! From Bute to quest, being there for me when she had her run in with a shovel, was down with a high fever after shots to advice...
  7. Cupcake

    From mammoth to diva - before & after :)

    LOL Sorry Marty, no can do - I own a cupcake business and her forelock is her signature look as she's my company's mascot - when I twist it it looks like the frosting on a cupcake (although there are "some" people who say she looks like a troll )
  8. Cupcake

    a upsetting visitor

    Unbelievable. I grew up with horses but never had to worry about the care much other than getting them ready to ride or bring in the hay from the field. My parents took care of the rest. So I was not a newbie to horses but a newbie to ownership when I started "window shopping" thinking it would...
  9. Cupcake

    From mammoth to diva - before & after :)

    And this is her now! My husband said "She looks like a REAL horse now!" My iPad was slower than you
  10. Cupcake

    From mammoth to diva - before & after :)

    Remember this little mammoth/mountain goat/great Pyrenees-underweight-with-potbelly-something? This pic was from when we got her, 10 months, underweight and sad - February 2012 This is after clipping her - March 2012 June 2012 Still a pretty big potbelly which got even bigger over the...
  11. Cupcake

    New to driving, advice on starting my 2 yr old mare?

    I'm outside city limits in Lampasas county
  12. Cupcake

    New to driving, advice on starting my 2 yr old mare?

    Oh no, I wasn't planning on hitching her to anything until all the prior training is done and she's solid, baby steps first, I was talking about once she's used to stuff behind her, being pulled by a person. Thank you for the compliment, it's amazing to see the difference from a year ago, she's...
  13. Cupcake

    New to driving, advice on starting my 2 yr old mare?

    Thank you both! For the tack recommendation and the detailed driving training. I agree, I have nothing but time and will use it - having to work my gelding nearly every day already takes a lot of my energy so I'm in no rush. She does lunge well, but she's also still very young and FULL of energy...
  14. Cupcake

    New to driving, advice on starting my 2 yr old mare?

    I'm new to the driving part when it comes to horses and my mini is now at the age where she's eager to learn and tends to get bored without a "job". She'll be 2 this weekend so I'm thinking of starting at least the part of driving that doesn't involve a cart yet. I've watched a few videos on...
  15. Cupcake

    Bath Time.....NOT

    LOL mine like the water, when it gets to summer temps here my big gelding actually "asks" to be hosed off! I left the hose laying on the ground in the pasture last summer and accidentally left it on with the sprayer closed. Well, I'm wondering why I hear water running and look out there to see...
  16. Cupcake

    What do you love to do most with your minis?

    Mine loves to "play" in the pasture, she just wants someone to run with her and since she doesn't have another horse her size around, she uses people and my great Dane, my dog is slightly intimidated by her though LOL so I usually provide that with her along with some groundwork in between. I...
  17. Cupcake

    For those of you that own just one mini .....

    I had my big gelding by himself from July until February last year, then my neighbors were getting ready to move away with their 4 horses so I knew it was time to get him a friend. Since I'm the only horse person in the family besides my daughter and she moved off to college last summer I knew I...
  18. Cupcake

    How much room does a mini need in a trailer? Trying to prevent "turnaround".

    Ok so here are the pics, I finished "my part" today, I finally found someone with a plasma cutter and knowledge to put the window in that got here today - this is the before Here's the after ( window will be installed in the divider wall to the left of the hay bag at about 3-4' height. It's a...
  19. Cupcake

    How much room does a mini need in a trailer? Trying to prevent "turnaround".

    That was her in the SUV when we picked her up
  20. Cupcake

    How much room does a mini need in a trailer? Trying to prevent "turnaround".

    There was an old thread on here with th question of to tie or not to tie. And I think I remember most being against tying (and taking the halter off). Based on that I had made the plan to not tie her. So I'm still debating with myself if I should a) giver enough room to turn and not tie or b)...