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  1. M

    Accessories For Sale Mini horse boots of all kinds, bandages, body sweat, bridles, A Lot of mini stuff for sale

    I am talking about miniature horses (live and real). I think you are talking about collectable toy horses? Mini horse leg boots I have.
  2. M

    Accessories For Sale Mini horse boots of all kinds, bandages, body sweat, bridles, A Lot of mini stuff for sale

    My two 21 year olds are just pasture pets now and I have SO much stuff available. Let me know what you are looking for and I might have it.
  3. M

    Mini Combined Driving Cart for sale - Green Excellent Condition. Zilco harness

    My 20 year old minis are retired - time to sell all my CDE equipment. I have a lovely greed CDE cart and a Zilco CDE harness for the CDE cart. I am near Portland, Oregon My minis are both 33" and the cart/harness was perfect on them. Contact me for pictures and make be a realistic offer...
  4. M

    Edgeman CDE mini cart with harness for sale + training cart

    Hi, I am traveling on the east coast now and won't be home for another 10 days. I will post pictures. I am asking $1,200.00 for the Edgeman CDE cart. The CDE Biothane harness: I need to research its value. I am asking $300.00 for the easy entry training cart. Please do email me if I don't get...
  5. M

    Edgeman CDE mini cart with harness for sale + training cart

    My 19 year old minis have retired - time to sell equipment: Really nice green Edgeman CDE mini cart I competed in several times. Rides and turns well. Comes with both short and long shafts. High quality Zilco Biothane mini CDE harness with harness bag. 1 easy entry training cart. Located in...
  6. M

    Hello group

    I was active in CDEs from 2003 - 2007 with my miniatures and loved it. I have 2 sweethearts still who are 19 years old now and enjoying the easy life. I have a CDE cart & harness, an easy entry training cart, and misc. mini equipment that I should go ahead and sell, as I won't be working them...