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  1. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Collage for the new year :D We named him Odie, and he's still a sweetheart<3 Just love him so much!
  2. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Yes, she's a pretty girl. Baby should have a pretty fabulous mane himself one of these days!
  3. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    I have been a bit stuck for a name because I didn't want to count my chickens before they hatched, and then most of the names I had in mind were dramatic, and he's actually super cute. I am thinking Hiro. Like from Snow Crash the book :) He's been really good. He had some impaction that required...
  4. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    More baby spam, because he's kinda gorgeous :)
  5. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Thanks for all the help and feedback and somewhere to post the process. Was very helpful in the last few days :)
  6. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    I couldn't help myself, had to stay up, clean the pen, make sure he'd had a drink, and get this super cute video <3 I've never had a foal before. I'm absolutely in love!
  7. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Thank you! I'm so relieved. Just watching him toodle around the pen now too is so cute. Can't wait to see him dry and in daylight :D
  8. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Foal arrived at 1 am, little colt! :D Mum was awesome, had no issues so, so far so good! Now I'm just staying up all night to see if he gets up and feed etc, I guess? :D Foal alarm was awesome. It went off and by the time I got up and went out she already had both feet out, all over within ten...
  9. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    9pm, storm is rolling in (I think) and we have wax for the first time! Plus her udder has really blown up the last hour or two.
  10. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    I figured by context you didn't mean farmers upset, haha! I'm really hoping tonight is the night, between the foul weather and foul mood of the pony I think we're all ready. Only thing is I think she might refuse to have baby in a stall.
  11. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Little update, bit graphic, but I find the pics on threads like these really useful. She's now super loose and very, very salty about life. Still no wax, but the udder has changed shape, her teats are now very bullet like, pointing forwards and down.
  12. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Me too! I'm hoping all goes well for sure, a bit nervewracking. Now it is daytime I am guessing not much chance until late tonight.
  13. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    DAY 334: Well, it is morning, and the words I would choose to describe her this morning are grumpy and messy, It's hard to differentiate between first stage labor and her just being really annoyed at the pen, but with the weather and ground conditions as they are I don't think I have much choice...
  14. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Just did my last check (10 pm) for the night, and she's much looser in the rear, and a little more full in the udder I think? Thunderstorms are scheduled to start somewhere around 1 am.
  15. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Unfortunately I don't have access to testing strips, which would help a fair bit. By the time I ordered them and they got here, she'd probably have foaled! We are about to have two days of heavy storms so I don't know if that will help or hinder matters, but she's penned now under camera.
  16. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Geldings are so much more straightforward in so many ways aren't they. ;)
  17. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Is that a decent udder then? I've never foaled a mare before, but have done lots of goats. I keep thinking she barely has anything there haha.
  18. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Small update: slight udder change, and some clear fluid from her teat, which suggest she's still a wee ways off, no milk yet. Also, hopefully fixed the false alarm issues by putting a slightly smaller halter on her. I think the device was slipping sideways with a larger halter.
  19. MeepMeep

    How Much Longer? (Hide n Seek Foal Watch Thread)

    Oh wow! That's no good with the alarm. This is one of the Magic Breed Foal Plus ones, I've hired it so I hope it does work, I think we have a few days left though her udder is in stasis and she's going to be a grump about the pen I think which would probably stop her from wanting to foal. Not...