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  1. T

    Question for anyone who has bought a

    You should contact your local banks, and if you put the double wide on a Permanent Foundation, they should make a loan. Usually, you will have to own the land where the home is to be situated, and a ratio is calculated such as 20:80. You can get up to a certain amount of the total value of the...
  2. T

    Any dairy farmers

    Thank you Lewella. I have looked at select sires, but my friends herd, is not an ai herd. He wants something already breeding age, and select sires doesnt have any available. They did have some bulls that wouldnt ship, but none that are 18 months .
  3. T

    Any dairy farmers

    Had to post. I didn t realize there were that many dairy farmers on this site. Although I dont claim to be a dairy farmer myself, I have been helping out about three days a week at my dear friends. I honestly never knew how much real work that is. I respect anyone who can do that 365 days...
  4. T

    Lookup Pedigree and Pics Anyone???

    Although I did not sell you the mares, I do own Toronado, if you email me, I can take you a pic of him, if you like. I am in ky, and if you dont mind hairy winter pics, I can take one of him. He is a smokey black (creme carrying) frame sabino overo. He is pretty much white to look at now. He...