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  1. ShanesPonies

    Oh Jeez. Need Opinions 😬

    Hello I am back with more pregnancy posts! Please read. I do not remember if I've posted about our other mare Tilly being bred last year. She went out to have a rebreeding after missing the previous year. She was gone during the time Pearl had her colt Val. Anyways! This mare has been keeping...
  2. ShanesPonies

    Getting there!

    Pearl is nearing 330 days! I've been studying photos from last foal and comparing them to this incoming foal. Pearl did not fully bag up till about 3 days before foaling last time. It seems likely she will do the same this time around. I've started pH testing her and here are the results from...
  3. ShanesPonies


    Pearl is doing good and has a fair amount of baby movement! She will be in the safe zone of 300 days at April 11th but shouldn't foal hopefully till May 6th which is 320 days. To me she seams pretty done with it and may foal early. Tilly is very questionable still. I personally am sure she is...
  4. Z

    Is my mare bred?

    Long story short I bought a neglected mini mare at an auction in July 2022. She was exposed to a mini stud March 31st for 2 week apparently not 100% sure as past owners weren't 100% honest. Had vet out in August for papalation exam she was open apparently. So I assumed she was open till...
  5. Shanespony


    Hey guys! I'm back with another question. So this morning me and my mom noticed Pearl shivering like crazy. We are unsure if she got a chill or if she's starting labor. Just to be safe we put a blanket on her. We really don't want her to get sick especially since todays weather is very poor and...
  6. J

    Pregnancy Wheel by Guelph University

    Hello Everyone, I just found this really good tool for owners of pregnant mares... All you have to do is enter your mare's breeding date, and then you can see your foal's development, as well as key points to be aware of, and care tips for the...
  7. HannaHH

    New Mini Owner - Potentially Pregnant Maiden, Overweight Mare

    Hi Everyone, I recently purchased a mini horse and I am fairly sure she is pregnant! I am very concerned about her, however, as she is extremely overweight and to the best of my knowledge has never foaled before. She was in with a stud for at least a full year before I bought her and the owner...
  8. KLJcowgirl

    Birthing issues are how common? And need input...

    Hello all. I've been absent for a while. But I've been thinking about this forum lately. I love all the advise and knowledge here and I have a bit to talk about! First things first, I want to hear from you all who breed regularly. How often do issues with pregnancy and foaling present to...
  9. A

    Pregnant or not?

    Hey All, so a little back story.. I bought my toddler a pony this last July 2018 with the possibility of her being bred (they said she is). She is aged to be around 13, no idea if she’s been bred before or not. She was exposed from last winter (February) till the beginning of summer (June). Do...
  10. Stevieandtracie

    Unknown dates: please help!! (Pics attached)

    Hi there, We purchased 'Star' a couple of month ago. Previous owner said she thought she may have been bred but had a negative test in July. We noticed some changes about 3 weeks ago. According to the previous owner she thought she conceived May 18th which would put her at 343 days. Does...
  11. Stevieandtracie

    Unknown dates: How much longer?

    Hi there! We bought Star a couple months ago. Previous owner said she may have been bred and if she was she may be due in April. We noticed nothing until about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Here are pics from today? How much longer would you think she has?
  12. TuffyLynn

    need opinions or direction.. please look

    Hi everyone...will be calling my vet tomorrow... but I have a Pinto mare(actually 2) ..she was diagnosed with Lyme disease... first treatment with doxycycline ...then treatment with poor girl was just in so much pain..all her joints..and started to show signs of...