Putting on my flameproof suit
but who were the 60 people who voted on this rule? Makes one wonder and I bet we know most of them. I also know MANY of us cannot afford to go to a convention as work is a priority to feed the horses we have and keep a roof over our heads. Yes it is important to keep informed but this "rule" will tend to affect all miniatures and I do think it was downplayed to pass. I think as a whole though this ruling seriously undermines the integrity of the registry.
I agree with you.
And I have always taken offense that only the members who make it to a National meeting have the "right" to vote. We are made to feel like if we can't make the "effort" to come, then we have no right to gripe. NOT! :arg!
It's that "holier than thou" attitude that really burns my ***!
How many members aren't retired & able to go anytime they want?
How many members aren't able to come because of work? (Yes..there are a lot of people who actually CAN'T take off any time they want!)
How many members "may" get off for a week's vacation, but want to spend it with their family?
(can't blame them for that!)
How many members can't go to the National Meeting because of financial reasons? The way things are nowdays, near depression, there are many members who are barely getting by & are actually having to sell off some of their horses.
How many members cannot get away because they have no help to take care of their horses/animals while they are gone?
How many people cannot attend the meeting because they are ill, or relatives are ill?
There are many, many valid reasons why a lot of members cannot go to the National Meeting. Doesn't mean they don't care or wouldn't LIKE to be there! Why should they be discriminated against & refused the right to vote on important matters that will directly affect them! They have paid their dues, their registration fees, and many have supported shows.....they are FULL PAYING MEMBERS! It's not right that they don't have a vote in club matters just because they weren't able to attend one meeting! And to assume they don't "know enough" about matters to vote, just because they aren't at the meeting...is absurd & insulting! If there is less than 1% of the membership in attendance at the National Meeting.....what kind of "cross section" of information are you going to get there anyway? I think there has been much more discussion & information right here on the Forum!
As far as I'm concerned.... there is NO excuse for not allowing every member to have a vote...whether it's online, or mail-in. It's the only FAIR way!