Al Quaeda chatter or someone trying to represent them...

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I think as long as they can keep us distracted by fighting ourselves we are giving them what they want. Neither candidate will be able to stop a attack on the US and no matter who wins we as a country need to pull together . These are very troublesome times we are not viewed the same by the world as we were a few years ago and the reality is neither candidate will be able to fix that by simply walking into the oval office on Jan 21st.
First thing I thought was are they using reverse psychology and really don't want McCain in power because they are scared of him. Who knows, but your right, one thing we can agree, we need to do something about Al Quada and permanently.
Nobody is safe in this world with lunatics and a deranged group like that. They not only attack foreigners, they go after people in their own country. Whoever does becomes President I truly don't envy their job in regards to this.
That link didn't work for me but I found it elsewhere. The message is credited to a frequent and apparently respected contributor named Muhammad Haafid

"If Al-Qaeda carries out a big operation against American interests," the message said, "this act will be support of McCain because it will push the Americans deliberately to vote for McCain so that he takes revenge for them against Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda then will succeed in exhausting America till its last year in it."

Pay attention to the bolded sentences.......... For McCain to win - this "big operation" has to happen before November 4th.. Perhaps we are given a later date to avoid as much panic as possible before the election??? I'm hearing that our government is preparing for "unrest" which some are translating 'riots".

I know - I know,
It is a conspiracy of the republicans... Since Obama is ahead in the polls McCain's campaign is using this tactic to make Obama's supporters come to their side.
( Don't we wish it was as harmless as that). :Cold-Scared
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The reason I am so passionate about the Republican ticket is I believe McCain is the best choice to keep our Nation safe. National security is my top concern, the the economy being a distant second. On both counts, I just do not see how Obama compares at all favorably to McCain. I wish this wasn't how I felt. I wish I felt our Nation would do well under either man, but I do not.
I agree, it has to happen before election day. The thing is it does not mean this attack or whatever they are calling it would happen on U.S. soil. It just states that it would be something significant. Well today is Oct 22 so

I certainly don't think it's a "conspiracy" by the repubicans at all. Why would the repubilcans put something out there saying elect MacCain, that is what we want, so he can bankrupt the U.S. with his wars.... no that doesn't make any sense. And please don't think it's the Democrats doing this. Must be a way to validate that indeed this "chatter" is being heard from the middle-east. I am just wondering if whoever is doing the "chattering" is just trying to get ore unrest in this election and get the people fired up more so when they least expect it....
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This election has brought out passionate responses just within our little group and even more passionate response whenever a rally has been held anywhere and it is Republicans vs Democrats. Perhaps the middle east terrorists feel that we will as a nation implode based on what they see on our own news. They may feel that there is no way that this nation will heal from the unrest that already exists. I have seen on this board people name calling and more threads closed than ever before. Where is the patriotism and bipartisan agreement that this country is a mess and neither man can do this nor has one man or one administration created it? IF we can not stand behind whomever is elected why would we believe that the rest of our country can. And by the way my best friend lives in Canada and as Canadians with stong opinions about our election you too need to get behind whomever is elected with every thing you have because if terrorism comes to our soil its only a skip to yours. JMO

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