When will this will stop! I have a new 7 year old gelding , that I have introduced to a established herd. The Donky wants to keep the status "neutral " you stay out of my space I ll stay out of yours. I am relieved about this , as he could really kick with a double barrel if he wants too. The 3 year old mare also is just fine with the newbee, an occasional nip on the cheek. HOWEVER... my Alpha mare decited to go into a heavy season the day he arrived , and squeeled and squirted everyone, even me , FOR 3 WEEKS... thank god thats over but there is still an occasional squeel and butt to butt kick ( about 4 good kicks) Chico is also a squeeler, ( the new gelding) He wants to be the alpha gelding in this established group, so we are still having butt to butt kicks. He is buddys with the other gelding , LOVES him , but still squeels and kicks when he is invading his space. Its been over 3 weeks ..... when is this going to stop? Will the alpha mare give up her position, or is the alpha mare always the alpha mare ? The nerve of a newbee comming in and changing the pecking order all around, and wanting to be #1 or #2. Separating the herd is really not an option, as they all want to be together , and I dont want to keep them in pens or stalls all day long, I want them to enjoy doing horsey things like living as a herd. They all seem to like eachother, and the squeeling is a short squeel , followed by 4 kicks , then its over.... but this is making me crazy. Anyone know how long the adverage pecking order status takes place? And what signs to look for that will tell me that its NOT going to work? They all want to sleep together , all follow eachother to the stall to sleep in the night, when they could sleep out under the stars . I give them plenty of space , and only feed them where I have tons of space for them to get out of harms way. I make 10 or 15 small piles for 5 horses, and all piles are spread out...naturally they all want to eat from 1 or 2 piles near eachother.
So.... my husband says to let them be and they will figure it out when the time is right. My existing herd looks a bit tired... I think they are loosing intrest in the battle.
thanks for the help,
thanks for the help,