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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2005
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Williams, OR
I thought the girls started off kind of slow tonight but came on strong the last 4 girls. My favorites are Paris, Ayla, Kellie, Mandesca and Lisa. I still voted for Katherine cause she just picked a bad song but I know she's got pipes!
I thought they were all pretty bad until the last two. It seems to me that the kids on this show just don't get the idea that they are supposed to pick a song that will really give them the "wow" factor.

I do think I like Kelly, Lisa and Katherine the best.
I love Kelly Pickler!! She is just adorable and seems so sweet and down to earth. I don't think she has the voice to go all the way as there are others with better voices IMO, but I do love her. I think Lisa, Paris or Katherine have a good chance to win. I really, really hope that Brenna (NY girl) gets voted off this week!! I can't stand her!!

I really hate that they put the results show on at the same time as Survivor. I am technologically challenged and have never figured out how to record a show. So......back & forth I go between the 2 shows!!
I agree it started off slow.................

I think the final 6 that go on should be Lisa, Paris, Katharine, Kelly, Mandisa, & Ayla (i think it is 6? 6 girls & 6 boys go on right??)

GET RID OF NY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

I cannot stand her....

Kelly is just the cutest thing...she always has something so cute but funny to say....last week was about her grandpa Clyde, this week about her heels, and scared of falling!!! She says what I wouldbe thinking!! SO cute!
: I could adopt her!LOL

Mandisa is just awesome I think!!

I agree about Thursday night Vote offs, Cause I am a Survivor watcher too!!!!
I agree...the girls need to bring it on if they want to win....the guys are doing a pretty good job with the singing and entertainment...we'll see how they do tonight. My picks would have to be Lisa, Mandisa and Ayla. What I end up doing is during them singing, I turn my head so I'm not watching them, just listening...and alot of the girls have monotone voices. They need to do more with the different ranges. Actually I don't enjoy listening to Paris sing, she's too "low" and monotone. I think Ayla gave a good range as did Lisa. Mandisa was kinda iffy tho...I want to see her belt her songs out again like how she started. Kelly...well yes she's nice and all, but that's not going to take her to the top, and I think her singing voice could use a little more time and training....she's not as strong as Carry Underwood is. I also agree on the Survivor Idol clash....I do end up taping Idol and watching Survivor...but it get's hairy sometimes if I'm just a wee bit late getting home on Thursday nights!!
I try my best to stay up late and watch survivor at 11pm. I have west coast channels on satelite.

This week I liked Ayla, Mandisa, Kelly, Lisa and Paris.
Okay so a GUY that is religious two favorites out of all of them are Ayla and Kellie

The two that will be voted off are Kinnik and Brenna (the NY attitude) that is all that really deserve to go from last night. Wasn't the best song choices and there were vocal problems, but overall those are the only two that stood out to me and have a reason to go.
Ayla and Kellie ....all the way. Actually think Ayla has the best voice but she is so tall that she is having a hard time of getting it all together yet. I think if given a chance it will come. Kellie is so cute and kinda Dolly Parton like. I do think Katherine has a nice voice but didn't pick a song to impress anyone. Lisa stands a great chance of going far too. If Simon keeps pushing them they will get better each time...the meanie. LOL
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I absolutely adore Kelly Pickler!! She is so cute, has such a great personality - just full of life! I loved her outfit last night, and I thought the clips they showed of her right before she sang were so funny! She was talking about eating squid - "some folks call it calamari" --- and that look on her face!!

Too, too cute - I hope she makes it to the top!

Liz R.
It was a very slow night...I was really disapointed! But I still like Kellie, Mandisa, Lisa the best so far!

I sure hope the guys come out rockin' tonight!! Go Chris and Ace!! :aktion033:

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