Well-Known Member
Minimal dwars present their own set of issues. Last year I purchased a very nice, very correct little mare in foal to a regional reserve champion. When our colt was born, aside from a bit of a domey head he appeared perfect. Even the vets (plural) who saw him didn't see dwarfism. By the time he was 3-3 1/2 mos old his minmal dwarfism literally screamed at us. His bite went off and he has an issue with one leg that is being treated at UF.
This colt (in my avatar driving his monster truck) is Mr. personality. He's a loud, very tiny black and white paint. Everyone who sees him falls in LOVE. I've had more people want to buy him. When I try to explain the horrible aspects of dwarfism to these people it falls on deaf ears. People don't want to hear it. All they see when they look at him is pure adorableness. No matter how hard I try, everything I point out about the horrors of severe dwarfs and what his life will be like for him as he ages just does not sink in. He has a companion. Our 9 mos old filly. They are 9 days apart in age. She is sheer perfection. Just stunning!!!! Yet because she is taller no one even sees her.
Here I am with my two babies side by side. One ultra tiny, black and white paint, obvious dwarf, from the head to the stocky build and pot belly and one very crooked leg. Onto my ultra refined, stunning, elegant, feminine, leggy, long hooky neck, tiny head, huge eye, drop dead gorgous filly. Everyone goes nuts over him and she is completely ignored.
The world doesn't have an eye on what is correct. Everyone loves the unusual. The realities of dwarfism and the fact that he is one doesn't matter to them. Breeders and exhitibors (those aware of the breed standard and who care about it) represent such a small portion of the human population.
I love that people enjoy our horses but when I run into this mentality in my small town, its happening in other places too. Many people do use dwarfs as therapy pets and they're out and about with them. How do you discourage the unscrouplous breeder from breeding for this result.
There are a lot of posts on here about recognizing traits and not breeding those horses who exhibit the obvious traits, but what about the pairings where no traits are apparent and still result in a dwarf foal.
I'm at a loss. My colt will stay with me for life. I read with interest recently a post on auction results where a dwarf foal sold for quite a bit of money. What message did that send to the new buyers in the market considering breeding and even to the rest of us? Something is WRONG here.
There are so many varied aspects to this dilemna and unfortunately no concrete solution. Until I learn more I won't be breeding anymore after this year. I didn't breed this colt, but I own him and his needs are great. There is a huge financial aspect to rasing a dwarf. I cannot get that into peoples heads either.
Very Frustrating!!!
This colt (in my avatar driving his monster truck) is Mr. personality. He's a loud, very tiny black and white paint. Everyone who sees him falls in LOVE. I've had more people want to buy him. When I try to explain the horrible aspects of dwarfism to these people it falls on deaf ears. People don't want to hear it. All they see when they look at him is pure adorableness. No matter how hard I try, everything I point out about the horrors of severe dwarfs and what his life will be like for him as he ages just does not sink in. He has a companion. Our 9 mos old filly. They are 9 days apart in age. She is sheer perfection. Just stunning!!!! Yet because she is taller no one even sees her.
Here I am with my two babies side by side. One ultra tiny, black and white paint, obvious dwarf, from the head to the stocky build and pot belly and one very crooked leg. Onto my ultra refined, stunning, elegant, feminine, leggy, long hooky neck, tiny head, huge eye, drop dead gorgous filly. Everyone goes nuts over him and she is completely ignored.
The world doesn't have an eye on what is correct. Everyone loves the unusual. The realities of dwarfism and the fact that he is one doesn't matter to them. Breeders and exhitibors (those aware of the breed standard and who care about it) represent such a small portion of the human population.
I love that people enjoy our horses but when I run into this mentality in my small town, its happening in other places too. Many people do use dwarfs as therapy pets and they're out and about with them. How do you discourage the unscrouplous breeder from breeding for this result.
There are a lot of posts on here about recognizing traits and not breeding those horses who exhibit the obvious traits, but what about the pairings where no traits are apparent and still result in a dwarf foal.
I'm at a loss. My colt will stay with me for life. I read with interest recently a post on auction results where a dwarf foal sold for quite a bit of money. What message did that send to the new buyers in the market considering breeding and even to the rest of us? Something is WRONG here.
There are so many varied aspects to this dilemna and unfortunately no concrete solution. Until I learn more I won't be breeding anymore after this year. I didn't breed this colt, but I own him and his needs are great. There is a huge financial aspect to rasing a dwarf. I cannot get that into peoples heads either.
Very Frustrating!!!