Anyone here knit -- and read French?

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If you have Live Search, you can translate it right on-line. If not, there are many free translating sites.
Here is how it translated on a microsoft translator program...(hopefully Danielle or some other person fluent in French can decipher the words that do not translate plainly)

White horse which held upright = 5 needles games

So, so everyone can benefit from my coup de bolle, I have bidouillé a small French for yarn a horse that tien standing!

This during my tutorial is not very precise (one may like me lol!) and will therefore be difficult to follow! I you notified about aurré!


The son of iron

2 or 3 pelotes

a set of 5 needles

A good dose of patience!


whatever you want!

You can see!

Point to use:

Jersey or foam you see hu! hu!

Let's begin!

Good! First the muzzle (green arrow) with your 4 needles and follow the gridline.



The fure and mesur knitting grows, get a first Rod iron and installed the bour so it gives the shape of a horse!

The stem shall include the length of the back and a tip of the tail!

Once the head end, let them top of head pending mesh.

Puis entamez le cou avec 3 aiguilles par le début (flèche verte). Sur le dessus du cou (flèche rouge) insérez tout les deux rang une mèche de laine que vous aurez préalablement noué(ben oui, si non sa part!

A liver finished neck, enfillez the by long iron rod and cousez it to the head.

Renbourrez neck so that the stem is found under the crinnière...

Attention! do not too packed your dada if not is it holes and ch ' is beautiful POO at all!
Attention! do not too packed your dada if not is it holes and ch ' is beautiful POO at all!
I believe this is what happened the last time I tried knitting...I too packed my dada and it was beautiful poo!

Sorry, Mona! I appreciate the translation, but I nearly fell off my chair at that last paragraph! (And my attempts at knitting really do look like poo...)
Okay, Susanne lets get started making one now that you have the directions.
I'll buy one but please make it a buckskin!!
I believe this is what happened the last time I tried knitting...I too packed my dada and it was beautiful poo!

Sorry, Mona! I appreciate the translation, but I nearly fell off my chair at that last paragraph! (And my attempts at knitting really do look like poo...)

LOL Susanne...I never even noticed that, as I never read through the whole thing. LOL...sounds pretty silly when not translated correctly, doesn't it!
Google translator did almost the same thing - I could barely see the instructions through the tears, I was laughing so hard!

I don't speak French very well, but lot of it isn't the translator - she actually wrote it that way. The son of iron? It certainly will require a good dose of patience to complete!

As cute as he is, I wouldn't sleep with that pony. He has a metal rod armature on the inside to make him stand up. Ouch!

Wonder how he'd translate into crochet stitches?
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