Area One show

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
New York
We went to the Area One show - Mercy did her halter obstacle and jumping thing and was a good reminder of what years of training and showing can do.

Intrepid went in the Modern Halter Obstacle - it wasn't pretty but being the only one in the class, she got her first blue ribbon.

Nefertiti was NOT happy about being away from mom... my friend Lisa held her while Intrepid and I attempted the obstacle course. Tomorrow will bring more fireworks, I am sure but I do love both my girls and we have a lot of learning and growing to do together.

If you are at Area One... look for the foal with an attitude. :lol: She will probably be dragging me somewhere!


Silversng Farm
Congrats on the blue! I'm glad you are out there having fun with your ponies. :bgrin
Thank you - we returned to Horseheads yesterday for much needed mileage and learning experiences.

Intrepid and Neffie did the ASPR class against each other - I saw it as an opportunity for them to go into the ring and not stress as hard as they did when they were separated. It was not a pretty class from a spectator's standpoint but for horses new to me, they learned how I ask and want things done and was rewarded with a nice trot from Neffie. Thanks also to my helper, Julie Colf!!! :aktion033: :aktion033:

Neffie's Modern classes were against junior mares from the Taylor Pony Farm - an honor it was to be in the ring with them so I could see what we have to do to get to that level. Neffie did not want any part of those classes but I am glad we participated. She does likes to work on the rail but we have a lot of work to do to hold a pose!

Intrepid had competition in the Modern Pleasure Amateurs and going for the Modern Pleasure Grand and she placed 1st each time. We finally were clicking by the end of the classes... we have not practiced much but she was such a good girl and earned her peppermints.

I got to see some of Neffie's half-uncles and other relatives at the E Training Center's area. I feel ready to continue Neffie's training for 2008...and know that she has that Modern blood flowing through her veins.

The braids were fun to do - once Intrepid saw the ribbons, she put her head down so I could braid her. She was so good for clipping her ears but hated her muzzle being done. I like not having to clip down like we do for minis - Intrepid has a beautiful shiny coat right now.

Neffie had to be clipped but she was sensible about it once she understood what I was doing to her. She is a lovely dark bay now and she has an attitude. :lol:

Neffie would not hold still until Intrepid was crosstied and then she calmed down and let me add her little braids.

What an awesome show and experience....I do love my girls!


Silversong Farm
Glad to hear you guys had fun and did well =) Congratulations !

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