backing up ...

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My little 2 year old is backing up when I ask her to change directions in the round pen. She does this only when she is going counter clockwise that would be her left side ? right ?... Anywho, is this because she is not understanding what I am asking her to do ? Is she more likely weaker on this side ? She would rather back up all the way around the pen then turn directions. I am not asking her to turn towards me , she can turn in or out , she just has to change directions. I held her tail and moved her rump to the correct position of her moving out in the direction I wanted , and gave the lunge whip a few good snaps . In the end she caught on , but I feel we will go through this again tomorrow ...any suggestions on a backer -upper?? I do NOT want her to think that gear will get her out of work or something uncomfortable.
My hunch is for a 2 year old, she either isn't understanding what you are asking or she doesn't like that side. Try putting her back on the lunge line and doing your ground work for whoa and reverse again. I find if I remind them they remember it better.
If you step to her hip, block off that door to prevent her from backing any further, and give her a touch of the lunge whip to send her forward, then immediately step to her head, bringing your whip around with you, and block that door she will turn for you.
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