Been having a "Trespasser" on our place....

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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It all started last Thursday. Our dogs began barking around 9p.m. I went out to check things and the gate off the barn pasture was open and all the horses were milling around....

Friday was quiet, and then Saturday night, I listened to my gut (again), dogs were acting nervous and sure enough......same gate and same horses were all out, but this time they were spooked and heading up the road! Again, it was between 9 and 9:30.

I KNEW something was fishy because I had been the last person to latch that gate. It's a sticky one and is on the OUTSIDE so a mini or pony can't work on it.

Sunday, Larry put up a temporary gate across our barn driveway and I bought a chain and padlock. Sunday night was quiet.

Monday night we were on alert because it seemed that things were happening every OTHER night...... We had some wind, dogs didn't react......We thought all was good. The next morning we realized someone had been at the barn. Two items/tools from the barn were placed exactly in the center of the driveway in front of the barn, plus all of our barn lights were ON. (It was as if this person was thumbing their nose at us!)

Yesterday (Tuesday), Larry left town to deliver our bummer lambs back to the breeder and to visit friends.... I called our County Police Dept and a deputy came out and took a report. He looked at the lay out of our place, the gate and latch in question and agreed that it looked suspicious. He said he would increase car patrols on our road at night.

Last night we noticed a county police car go by shortly before 10. At 10:30ish, a very loud - no muffler - jacked up older Bronco came roaring into the barn drive up to the gate Larry had put up. I ran to our front door, turned on all our lights in front and went outside. The bronco revved its motor, backed out and peeled out right back up where it came from. It shook me up, but I suspect it was just a "turn around", which does happen. (Bri, not surprisingly, chose to sleep with mom after that.)

You know what I hate about this? All of a sudden we are GATING our driveway(s), PADLOCKING our pasture(s), LOCKING up the barn door AND our ATV, just incase. And I am now locking up all of our house doors too! (We had to go searching for keys because we've not had to worry about this kind of thing in this area.)

Wish I owned more than a pellet gun, but a REAL gun.

Tonight will be interesting since it will be that "every OTHER night" night.

I'm tired and my head hurts.....
Time to buy a .22, MA! That would creep the heck out of me.
Well everybody here knows how I feel about trespassers.
Your particular ones are probably just some bored kids that are now treating this as a game, but it would spook me too. Do you have a lot of neighbors within walking distance, or would this have to be an adult driving out to your farm? Have you thought of setting up at least a cheap motion sensor/wildlife camera to try to get a picture of the culprit?
There is no doubt I would get a shotgun, one that you can easily use. Once they hear that they might leave you alone. How about a camera ? Can you leave some outdoor lights on all night ?

Sorry this is happening to you guys, that's scary.
That is just awful! I am mad too, we have a neighbor whose son is a known thief so here we are in the middle of 70 freakin acres locking our cars and house even if we are on the property.

A week ago, Pete called me to ask if I had some people in a white pickup visiting as one had gone down our driveway and left. It was loaded with people, and when Pete tracked them, the tire tracks went a good ways to the back of our property.

I don't spook easily, but I had Pete get my .38 out for me. In all the years I have been here, this was the first time I have been spooked enough to want my gun.

Bunch of idiots to trespass here, this place is an arsenal! All three of us own and use guns and are very good shots.

Bunch of ****s. I am with the others MA, get a gun and shoot it up in the air if you detect people trespassing. They will figure out you are serious and go bother someone else.
A few weeks ago we had 2 guys try to get me to open the door. No way!I called the police but they couldn't find the guys. We have motion lights out front. I hope you catch the jerks responsible for your night visits.
Oh boy... sounds like they are up to no good to me!! I would be very wary and yes, if you can set up any kind of hidden security camera, that would be nice. So many things get stolen (we have a neighborhood creep who has been arrested yet AGAIN) that robbed the neighborhood BLIND of four wheelers, quads, etc....

If they keep coming back, they are sure after something. Horses being stolen, going to Mexico.... better to be cautious than be sorry...

I hope they GO AWAY
very scarey... video... that is what I would do. very scarey.
Sorry you are having to go through this MA.

Sadly we have had a lot issues here,too. Do not think there is safe areas even in the countryside any more. To many nasty people out there.

Our gates are not easy for people to open which has worked for us well.

I would recommend a Shot Gun, people hear it being primed and will be less likely to bother you. Also has a wide shot pattern.

Also recommend Night Vision wildlife Camera's with the inferred flash. Cabela's has a number of them for good prices. If you can catch the person on film or snap shots, the police are more likely to do something about it.

Stay safe!
Geez, what is it with people nowadays? I've had similar issues and I live in the middle of nowhere too. I ended up putting these beautiful (
)gates at the end of my driveway and I keep them shut up even during the day. I had my farm sign ripped down, dog poop smeared on my white barn doors, mailbox blown up and a torched newspaper on our front porch where it looked like they tried to burn our house down but it's all brick so that plan back fired. The attempted fire happened while we were on vacation and my friend who is a state cop was watching the house.
I really feel for you as it's terrible to feel scared in your own home. I hope you catch whoever it is. Stay Safe
get a gun, fire it up in the air to scare them off. They have already let your horses out so they don't care what harm they cause. The camera is a good idea that others have suggested. Stay safe.

We lived by some neighbors who had their mailbox vandalized frequently. One night my husband and I were taking a walk and at the same time we met the end of our neighbor's driveway a couple kids driving a jeep pulled over and it sounded like they were discussing among themselves what to do because we witnessed their vehicle. Just seeing us there at night was enough to freak them out badly enough that I don't believe our neighbors experienced another incident!

My hope for you is that it is just kids being stupid and if you and your husband can be outside sporting some heat then maybe they too will feel "busted" and never come around again
I don't love guns either, but I believe in the 2nd amendment. When you live in the "boonies" like us you sometimes run across sick coons or possums, and that itself makes investing in a gun worthwhile.

I've thought of putting a sign up on our property from time to time, but I'm glad we haven't yet since our road is very busy and it's already too obvious that we own minis.
I hate to say this, but sex rings are being busted all over the country. I am wondering if the media has made the whole beastiality thing a curiosity amongst the younger crowd? I also wonder if the fact that the sexual predators are unable to find a place in the city pushes them out to the rural, more quiet, areas where our animals and children are put more at risk. I know we can legally "dispatch" a dog that is endangering our livestock, does that ring true for two legged "worse than dogs" as well?
How frightening!! A camera is a great idea. What about setting some ****y traps for your "visitors"? Perhaps a tray of white paint left for them to "wipe" their feet? What about a thin wire/string for them to run into--that might scare them. How about wrapping some Saran wrap around your gate (where they open it) then putting some Vaseline or some sticky gunk on it? Even paint. I would make it as difficult as possible for them to get on my property. Can you borrow some geese? They are notoriously good at warning of trespassers. I'm all for the 2nd amendment but if you have a gun out, you need to be prepared to use it against them; they could be armed themselves.

Where my family and animals are concerned I will do anything to protect them. I guess I'm like a mama bear.
I sincerely hope these predators go away on their own. Best of luck to you. Stay safe!!
Thank you to everyone for the support and suggestions....

Our closest neighbor is a good mile away...He's 70 years old and clueless.

Our driveway is a half mile down the road from a secondary highway, so several times a day (and/or night) we get some moron turning around in front of our house.

So...we keep the gate closed, the pasture padlocked, the barn door locked, house doors locked, the big outside light between the barn and house comes on when the sun goes down... Police are driving by (we've seen them.)....

And good news......Last night, we should have been "hit".... but nothing happened! Yay!!!
Hope that's the end of it, not a great feeling to think someone is lurking out there in the dark. We had some incidents where we lived years ago that spurred us to put up LOTS of outside lighting & motion detectors, something we still use. Since we have several cameras in the barn and multiple monitors in the house, it was an easy thing to add a few more outside the house, on the driveway, etc. It's a shame that you have to lock everything down just to stay safe on your own property but such is the world we live in...


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