Best Harness for entry level showing

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Mar 26, 2012
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Wanting advice and feedback on affordable harness - for miniatures 33-36" - in Black with Brass fitting if possible, but will consider silver./nickel . Wanting one that comes with Breeching. Suitable for entry level showing standard, that is pleasing on they eye for presentation/overall picture. Please post your photos of your harness! I was looking at ones on Ozark, but images are limited and small, so finding it hard to tell. Love to see images of people using the harness they recommend! And their personal experience.
Check out Iowa Valley Cariage. Sandee McKee has a nice website complete with pictures of horses using her products. Some of the pictures of horses in harness are ours wiearing her harnesses. The harness is custom made by Amish harnessmakers and you supply the dimensions when you order so it will fit when you get it. If it doesn't fit, she'll make it right. She'll return you email inquiries right away, give her a try.
Thank you. Does anyone have picture of the starlake leather harness or ozark pleasure harness? On their horse.
Does anyone have images of their horses wearing the Ozark Pleasure Harness or the Starlake Leather Harness??
I don't think I have a photo of my pleasure harness on a horse--or at least not a Photo that really shows it close enough to show anything. It is a very nice harness--good quality leather, and it fits nicely, I don't think you would be disappointed in it.

If you wanted to spend a little bit extra, the Ozark carriage harness is a very nice all around harness. It is that one step up from the pleasure harness and makes a very nice show harness--I know you would be well satisfied with it. (I have three of them!)

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