24 days until spring!!!!! Whitney, your garden is beautiful!
We are going to start some flats inside in the next couple of weeks. Darrin does the veggies, I do the herbs and tomatos. Then Darrin will direct seed some peas, lettuce and my spinach on St. Patrick's Day weekend. Onions will go in shortly after that. When the snow is off the mountain, we'll start on the warm weather stuff: Beans, carrots, melons, spuds, cukes, pumpkins, the usual. The only thing we are not going to grow again this year is sweet corn. We're tired of trying to battle the earworms and smut organically and having a 90% crop loss, so no more. I'm going to severly downsize the herb garden, grow just enough for us and the neighbors and not sell any this year. I'll still sell my Blackberries, as they are great money-makers.
Our garden goes in our front acre. The intent is to turn that into pasture, but it doesn't seem to be happening. I don't have any pictures of it; because we are organic, we don't use herbicides, so by the time the garden is getting nice and big, we have lots of weeds. Although I've 'accepted' it as part of organic farming, I'm not about to actually put it on film for all of posterity. :bgrin
We're participating in a grant-funded program this year with the U of I. We'll be field trialing several varieties for success with organic methods in our region's climate and soil. Darrin hasn't yet decided what to trial, I'm thinking it will probably be something in the cucurbit family. His passion is potatoes, but it's too difficult to find enough double certified seed to do a legitimate trial. The grant is for the next 3 years, and I'm excited to see how the project goes.
Jo, seedsofchange.com has a great selection of heirloom tomato seeds (and I think seedlings too). Although I do grow tomatoes (mostly paste), we don't eat them fresh much, so I can't tell you which taste best. I want to say there's one called Arkansas Traveler (?) that people really rave about. I have several other seed sources, though Seeds of Change is our primary source; let me know if you'd like more websites.
Did I mention that there's only 24 days until spring?!?!?!!? :aktion033: