Can I get your opinions on my mare?

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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2011
Reaction score
New South Wales, Australia
Hi everyone

Was wondering if you lovely people would mind giving me your opinion on my miniature horse mare, Raylee Park Classic Touch... aka Penny.

she is 35" tall, will be 10 years old next year, has had three foals, would like to maybe show her next year, but as I'm still new to this I don't really know what the show ring is after.

I am in Australia, so other country judging will probably be different, but I would still love your opinion... she is quite a jumpy mare, but has been settling down quite nicely in the last few months, I will have owned her a year in March.

your honest opinion is appreciated and please don't think you will offend me, I still have heaps to learn.

Thank you for taking the time to look at my mare!!


First pic is with her original owners in 2008, she was pregnant in this photo.


Pics taken today, she is a little bit fat... sorry, she is on a diet to get her weight down in prep just in case






So what do you all think?
Hi Cassie =)

Im also from Australia, but havent posted frequently for a long time, only on and off.

Are you talking about showing your mare, to nationals? State? or ag shows?

Raylee Park is a Palouse pony stud is that correct? Is she registered as a solid palouse?

She appears to be of overo breeding to me ?

To be HIGHLY competitive her tail set is a little low, her neck also appears slightly short, this could all easilly be "enhanced" with how you prep her and stand her in the ring, knowing a horses faults is always a good step to knowing how to present a horse to its best.

How does she move when she trots? movement is a big thing in Australia as we do a hacking style workout for all classes (bar colour and head) she needs to track straight (when she moves in sand check that her hind feet land in, beyond or as close to as possible to her front feet hoofprints) The small horse classes are competitive, if she is under 34.5" she is actually a miniature, (on the wither).

Sorry not trying to offend just help, if you need more please let me know

Hi Cassie =)

Im also from Australia, but havent posted frequently for a long time, only on and off.

Are you talking about showing your mare, to nationals? State? or ag shows?

Raylee Park is a Palouse pony stud is that correct? Is she registered as a solid palouse?

She appears to be of overo breeding to me ?

To be HIGHLY competitive her tail set is a little low, her neck also appears slightly short, this could all easilly be "enhanced" with how you prep her and stand her in the ring, knowing a horses faults is always a good step to knowing how to present a horse to its best.

How does she move when she trots? movement is a big thing in Australia as we do a hacking style workout for all classes (bar colour and head) she needs to track straight (when she moves in sand check that her hind feet land in, beyond or as close to as possible to her front feet hoofprints) The small horse classes are competitive, if she is under 34.5" she is actually a miniature, (on the wither).

Sorry not trying to offend just help, if you need more please let me know

Thanks for the help Kylie
and no offence taken

to answer your questions... yes Raylee park is a palouse stud, but I believe they bred her before they went into palouse (big time...) I don't think she is palouse... nothing says its on her papers...

yes she is overo breeding... Her dam is Raylee Part Tiffany and her sire is Mini Worlds Classic Chrome, who is the offspring of Coat O Chrome.

she was registered AMHA (which I believe is MHAA now? sorry still learning )

because she is higher then 34" can she be registered MHAA? or should it be in another club (if that is the right term lol sorry)

I would start her off with the ag shows... and see how I went I guess LOL I also have to see how much time I have LOL

I might try and take a video of her trotting out and some stage for you... if you don't mind helping me out with that

what can I do to enhance her neckline? there isn't really anything I can do for her tail is there?

Thanks again for all the help! this would be my first mini I would show I have only had them less then a year
so I am a total newbie and your help is much appreciated.

If there is anything else you can think of please let me know.

I want to try and learn as much as possible.

Hi Cassie,

I am happy to help with anything I possibly can, but everyone has their own opinons =)

She would be by Mini World Chroms Classic? A chestnut frame overo stallion.

SHould have picked it, she has the "chrome" look about her =)

There is nothing you can do for her tail set, except when you show her, if you spit stand her hind legs, like you show an arab this will help to lift the tail slightly.

Ok she would be registered AMHA (australian miniature horse association) which was the first evere miniature horse association in Australia. She is elligible to be registered with the MHAA as long as she is under 38" at the last hair of the mane. WHen you measured her where were you doing this? Last hair? or wither?

There are alot of miniature societies in Australia, you can show and register with. The most active in NSW would be , IMHR, AMHS, MHF and MHAA. IMHR,MHF and AMHS hold open shows for any miniature registered with any association. MHAA holds "closed" shows im not sure on the attendance to these shows now? There has been a few problems with the office and studbook and I know there were alot of people leaving. But I am not up with everything with the society now as I am no longer a member =)

In regards to her neck, if you work her you will find some of the fat will naturally melt away, some people do sweat horses with sweats, but if these are used incorrectly you can cause some skin, and coat issues in our aussie climate.

If you teach her to "show" for you split stood at the back, and ask her to lift her head and neck right up and give a little at the throatlatch it will help to give the illusion of a longer neck. Do not ask her to stretch her neck, while she is standing with her neck flat (in line with her wither) this will create a pony type neck, with no chest shape =)

Hope this helps !

I don't know what the shows are like in Australia, but in most places there are lots of classes for horses that may not be highly competitive in halter. So in my mind ANY MINI can be shown - it is up to you to figure out what classes to enter. What would YOU like to do and what do you think the mini is best suited for, based on what is available? Do you have showmanship, trail (halter obstacle), hunter, jumper or driving classes? With training, your mini might be good at any (or all) of those. And you might have a lot of fun too. Good luck.
She is a pretty colour and actually looks better for being mature now.

I agree her tail is set too low and she has a number of other small faults in the rear end that make me suggest she would actually look brilliant in a small cart!!

Whether or not you intend breeding her I would test he for LWO just so you know- she has a classic Sabino + Splash face marking and she has four tiny Tobiano socks- you can test for Tobi and LWO (Sab1 is not worth the money IMO) and it would be interesting if nothing else.(Sorry but, like the Tooth Fairy, I do not believe in "overos")

There is nothing you can do for the actual tail set but loads of things you can do for the muscle build up in the rear end that will make the tail set less obvious- at the moment her whole rear is weak, so, again, harness training and light driving is only going to help (and it is LOADS of fun!)
While she has her faults, I quite like your pretty girl. I suspect, that when you asked about showing her, you were speaking of showing in halter? If so, then you will have to evaluate her faults and decide whether or not to go for it. If you look at her - and this especially shows in the first pic, you will see she is a lot more horse from the flanks forward, than in the rear. She does have a weak rear and a low set tail. You will not be able to do anything about her tail set, but you might be able to build up that rear a wee bit, with some work. And I do stress the 'wee'. Many Minis have rather weak rears. I don't see her being post-legged though, which often goes along with weak rears. I think she has a nice little head and she is a pretty colour. Her shoulder looks pretty good too. Her neck could be a bit longer, compared to the top winning Minis of today. Would she win in the ring? Probably not in the US, since the classes are often very large and with many extremely good, top quality horses. In small local shows, she probably might place. Should you breed her? I know you didn't ask that, but I'll give you my thoughts. If you do decide to breed, you will first need to test for LWO. You will need to find a stallion who is excellent, where she lacks. Definitely not one who is just handy or close.

All that said, you could show her in many other diciplines. Others have mentioned those. You state she is jumpy. So you'll need to address that first. I suggest that you hang balloons, and flapping things around her enclosure. Flags help too. When we train for parades, we also play loud band music as often as possible. You can also string tin cans together and hang from fencing. Anything which makes a noise or flaps in the wind. It all helps. Just make sure she cannot injure herself or get caught in anything you place. You should also get her out and about as much as possible before taking her to a show. The more she is exposed to, the less jumpy she will become. Good luck and do keep us posted.

Hey Cassie

I'll try not to double up on the excellent advice you've already been given

The smaller small horses can struggle a bit against the bigger, closer to 38" more purpose bred small horses but never let that stop you! You've seen how my Pallidon goes and he is .75" over mini height

I've found the greatest advantage can simply be training and presentation.

Training a good halt is a must! Make sure you can adjust her so you can stand her square and stretch her out, get someone to take photos so you can see at what point she looks best and aim for that position.

Since she is a bit spooky work out where you can best work her. Some horses like having their handler right by their heads, others work better if you're by the wither, some will not trot well if you hold too much lead. Experiment at home and find out where you are both comfortable working from

The horse will always be what it is but training and presentation can help a lot!
Hi Cassie,

I am happy to help with anything I possibly can, but everyone has their own opinons =)

She would be by Mini World Chroms Classic? A chestnut frame overo stallion.

SHould have picked it, she has the "chrome" look about her =)

There is nothing you can do for her tail set, except when you show her, if you spit stand her hind legs, like you show an arab this will help to lift the tail slightly.

Ok she would be registered AMHA (australian miniature horse association) which was the first evere miniature horse association in Australia. She is elligible to be registered with the MHAA as long as she is under 38" at the last hair of the mane. WHen you measured her where were you doing this? Last hair? or wither?

There are alot of miniature societies in Australia, you can show and register with. The most active in NSW would be , IMHR, AMHS, MHF and MHAA. IMHR,MHF and AMHS hold open shows for any miniature registered with any association. MHAA holds "closed" shows im not sure on the attendance to these shows now? There has been a few problems with the office and studbook and I know there were alot of people leaving. But I am not up with everything with the society now as I am no longer a member =)

In regards to her neck, if you work her you will find some of the fat will naturally melt away, some people do sweat horses with sweats, but if these are used incorrectly you can cause some skin, and coat issues in our aussie climate.

If you teach her to "show" for you split stood at the back, and ask her to lift her head and neck right up and give a little at the throatlatch it will help to give the illusion of a longer neck. Do not ask her to stretch her neck, while she is standing with her neck flat (in line with her wither) this will create a pony type neck, with no chest shape =)

Hope this helps !

ok I am going to ask the dum questions now hehe sorry Kylie, what do you mean by spit stand her hind legs? hehe I measured her at the whither 35" on her registration papers it says 36" so... I'm guessing she was registered at the whither hehe I have heard good things about IMHR... can I ask what society you are with now? if you don't mind ;)

how would you suggest I work her to get the dersired affect on her neck? I am going to try lunging her this weekend with help of my friend and take a video for you all if you don't mind taking a peek

Thanks for all your help Kylie!

I don't know what the shows are like in Australia, but in most places there are lots of classes for horses that may not be highly competitive in halter. So in my mind ANY MINI can be shown - it is up to you to figure out what classes to enter. What would YOU like to do and what do you think the mini is best suited for, based on what is available? Do you have showmanship, trail (halter obstacle), hunter, jumper or driving classes? With training, your mini might be good at any (or all) of those. And you might have a lot of fun too. Good luck.
Thank you for the advice Targetsmom, I was thinking either halter or maybe jumping/ obstacle... she loves to jump (things in the paddock lol might set up some small jumps on the weekend too...

I must admit, I have never tried or thought of driving hehe, is it hard to train them and me lol for this?

She is a pretty colour and actually looks better for being mature now.

I agree her tail is set too low and she has a number of other small faults in the rear end that make me suggest she would actually look brilliant in a small cart!!

Whether or not you intend breeding her I would test he for LWO just so you know- she has a classic Sabino + Splash face marking and she has four tiny Tobiano socks- you can test for Tobi and LWO (Sab1 is not worth the money IMO) and it would be interesting if nothing else.(Sorry but, like the Tooth Fairy, I do not believe in "overos")

There is nothing you can do for the actual tail set but loads of things you can do for the muscle build up in the rear end that will make the tail set less obvious- at the moment her whole rear is weak, so, again, harness training and light driving is only going to help (and it is LOADS of fun!)
Rabbitsfizz, thank you yeah I agree she looks heaps better now
when I first got her she was so out of condition and skinny, it has taken me a long while to get her to this stage, but every day she is improving
in both temperament and looks
is driving the best way to build up the rear? I don't have a cart
hehe, are there any other ways I can improve her rear end?
it would be cool to eventually have a go in a cart... but I worry that she might not take to it at the moment? as she is still building trust with me.... lol

While she has her faults, I quite like your pretty girl. I suspect, that when you asked about showing her, you were speaking of showing in halter? If so, then you will have to evaluate her faults and decide whether or not to go for it. If you look at her - and this especially shows in the first pic, you will see she is a lot more horse from the flanks forward, than in the rear. She does have a weak rear and a low set tail. You will not be able to do anything about her tail set, but you might be able to build up that rear a wee bit, with some work. And I do stress the 'wee'. Many Minis have rather weak rears. I don't see her being post-legged though, which often goes along with weak rears. I think she has a nice little head and she is a pretty colour. Her shoulder looks pretty good too. Her neck could be a bit longer, compared to the top winning Minis of today. Would she win in the ring? Probably not in the US, since the classes are often very large and with many extremely good, top quality horses. In small local shows, she probably might place. Should you breed her? I know you didn't ask that, but I'll give you my thoughts. If you do decide to breed, you will first need to test for LWO. You will need to find a stallion who is excellent, where she lacks. Definitely not one who is just handy or close.

All that said, you could show her in many other diciplines. Others have mentioned those. You state she is jumpy. So you'll need to address that first. I suggest that you hang balloons, and flapping things around her enclosure. Flags help too. When we train for parades, we also play loud band music as often as possible. You can also string tin cans together and hang from fencing. Anything which makes a noise or flaps in the wind. It all helps. Just make sure she cannot injure herself or get caught in anything you place. You should also get her out and about as much as possible before taking her to a show. The more she is exposed to, the less jumpy she will become. Good luck and do keep us posted.

Thank you Lizzie
she has had three foals before, I am going to email her breeder (who bred the first foal) and find out if she was ever tested... I doubt she would have been with her last owner as he was .... well... a bit of a jerk, to put it kindly
I am so glad I got her and my other mini, Suzie (who just had a foal

how would you all suggest I work and train her to get her into condition... I am going to lunge her on the weekend.... is there anything I should do to make sure she works the right muscles? would setting up some trotting poles help work her muscles?

sorry for all the questions but you all have so much knowledge to offer! I am so thankful to all of you for helping me out with this!!

as I said earlier, on the weekdend my friend is coming over and we are going to try working her and give her a bath n I need to do a bridle path for her... given her neck should I just do a short bridle path? would would be best to enhance what she has got? thank you again!

will hopefully put up a video of her on the lunge, and maybe over some jumps for you to have a look at!!

Bree you are so lucky you live to far away from me for me to visit you! lol otherwise you would get so sick of me lol (if your not sick of me already that is
, you have so much knowledge and advice to give thank you for all your help!
Trotting poles is good. However for the rear up and down hills on the lunge line is good too. Let her trot up but ask her to walk down. This is easier if you are long lining with a harness on but you might be able to get her so she'll work for you in her halter with lines running from either side of her halter and on voice command. Good luck
thanks girls! should I put bandages on her legs? I do when I lunge my stock horse but obviously his would be to big

I can go down to the feed store and get anything necessary... should I bandage all 4 legs? I spent 15 min with her at lunch just now brushing her and playing with her and I didn't even have to tie her up!
Lol when I say split stand I mean as an Arab does when you are about to set her up watch her hind legs ask her to step forward with one hind leg slightly underneath herself. Her other leg will be behind her rump. When you ask her to give her neck for you she will naturally rock forward taking more weight off the hind leg stretched this helps to give the appearance of a flatter and higher tail set. I would work her over trot poles and hill work as mentioned. Swimming is really good too. When you lunge ask her to do a nice slow trot long and low over trot poles this will help to lengthen her neck and strengthen her top line . As she should stretch her nose towards the ground watching the rails. Do a short bridle path for your first time you can always lengthen it but you can't put if back on ! I show with 3 associations =) IMHR , AMHS , and MHF all my personal choice I am happy to help with anything you need =) [email protected] or

thanks Kylie
I might email you if I have any other questions if thats ok...

I had a look at your website! you have gorgeous horses!!!

I wonder how she would go at a beach or down at the river... lol

I have the perfect hill on our property...

I will have a go at this with my friend on Saturday... might take a little while, for both me and her to learn what we have to do hehe

Thanks again everyone for all your help!
Never sick of helping people with their minis, especially if they are diving into showing!

You know you can drop me a line anytime

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