Daughter's college graduation...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Hudson, Florida
My almost 24 yr old daughter will be graduating from college on June 12th. I am going to Portland to help her celebrate! The airfare was pretty high (altho I did get a decent deal considering) and I am not able to buy her anything extravagent befitting a college graduate (a lot of parents buy really expensive gifts) and due to not having a lot of extra money, I am struggling with graduation gift ideas. Help....
Gosh, I don't recall my parents getting me anything for college gradulation. But then I didn't actually go through the ceremony either, as I had an internship starting right away. Personally, I think its a pretty nice gift that you are able to fly there to be with her to celebrate. Sorry, guess I'm not much help.
As a college student myself getting close to graduating, I would not expect any presents from anyone. I already had plenty after my high school graduation and have accumulated so much stuff over these past few years, I don't think it's really necessary. That being said, the BEST present for us poor college kids is parents taking us grocery shopping, filling up the gas tank, and helping with moving! I so appreciate it when my mother does that for me as those little costs really add up. Or you could ask your daughter if there's something she really needs and go from there.

Congrats on your daughter's graduation by the way! What an accomplishment
Since Taylor loves horses, could you give her ownership of a foal, either current or future?

You would keep the horse in your care and show it, train it, breed it, etc., for her (with the option of her taking it when she is able). If this were a foal of your own breeding, you would only have no initial cash outlay -- only the cost of care, which you would have anyway, yet it would be a gift that she would treasure. Imagine if her mini won at Nationals...and even if she isn't set up for horsecare, she could always meet you at shows and have her own horse to exhibit.
Personally I would keep it simple but sentimental. I have given all four of my daughters, a locket, inscribed. It didn't cost alot of money and is a treasured keepsake, as they have told me. It doesn't have to be a locket, it could be a watch or some other trinket, but the inscription is what is important to them. Oh, congratulations on her graduation!
Since Taylor loves horses, could you give her ownership of a foal, either current or future?

You would keep the horse in your care and show it, train it, breed it, etc., for her (with the option of her taking it when she is able). If this were a foal of your own breeding, you would only have no initial cash outlay -- only the cost of care, which you would have anyway, yet it would be a gift that she would treasure. Imagine if her mini won at Nationals...and even if she isn't set up for horsecare, she could always meet you at shows and have her own horse to exhibit.
Her gelding Starfire is being cared for by me now. After she graduated from high school and was going on to college, she leased him out to a friend of hers as a companion horse for her Mini. 5 years later, when I was getting ready to move, I asked if we could take possession of Starfire, so he wouldn't be left for years and who knows what may have become of him, because we both knew that even after college, she wouldn't have the means to care for him on her own. At first she resisted as she didn't want him to move all the way to Florida where she couldn't see him (she wasn't "seeing him" anyway in Oregon), but a week before we left she said she wanted him to go. We had to pay for his Coggins, health certificate and make a special trailer divider for him. We would have had to do that anyway, but not a week before we were leaving a cross country trip!
Since then, I have been caring for him and paying all the bills...including a vet bill which was over $200.

So, no...that suggestion doesn't work...lol

Since I live 3000 miles away now, it is hard to do things like help her with grocery shopping (altho I did do that with her when she was living in the dorms and I was still in town) and helping her move (she is currently living with her dad).

I know it doesnt have to be expensive, but I want it to MEAN something...guess I will keep thinkin' on it!
Personally I would keep it simple but sentimental. I have given all four of my daughters, a locket, inscribed. It didn't cost alot of money and is a treasured keepsake, as they have told me. It doesn't have to be a locket, it could be a watch or some other trinket, but the inscription is what is important to them. Oh, congratulations on her graduation!

I actually like this idea! Jewelry is always something she would keep (even if not worn all the time), because it is something "personal". Thanks!!

Also, thanks for the congrats from you all! I am very proud of her!
What about passing down some family photos and putting it in a nice album with of course a page for her college graduation photos? Or a CD of songs she liked or that have meant something to you along the years
When my kids graduated high school we gave them lots of gift cards to just about everywhere they go: food places like McDonalds and Burger King, Walmart, Auto Zone of course and a gas card. It adds up but they really appreciated having them when caught in a pinch.

If you had more time, I would have suggested making her a scrap book. Maybe you can put a mini scrap book together if you are slightly crafty.
I like the jewelry idea too. There is someone too who advertises on the Sale Board, they make charms and bracelets from your horses mane or tail strands...maybe use her horse Starfire.

Enjoy your trip and Congratulations from S. Florida.
I never had a high school or college graduation party. Instead of the high school graduation I got a car so nobody would have to waste the time on a party. For college I did nothing, I didnt even go to the graduation as no one would go. This graduation coming up in December I will go to, because for the first time I am actually proud to graduate and graduate with good grades. I am actually proud of myself for giving up things to get there, for example this summer I am taking 18 credits so I only have to take one class in the fall being im due in Nov.

Anyway that aside,I can tell you what I would like (I am close to your daughters age). She doesnt sound like she really likes jewlery to much, nor do I and actually told people to stop buying me it as I have way more then what I could ever wear for the few times I actually do put it on. Heck I havent wore my wedding ring in about a year, but at this point it dont fit even if I wanted to wear it.

Since she lives withe her dad the grocery shopping is probably pointless. I would go with gift cards. Get her a gas card, and cards to other places that she likes. Or if she will be moving out on her own soon maybe something for her place? And the old stand by ask her if there is anythings she wants.
Actually...I think she will like a nice piece of jewelry...scrapbooks are nice, but I don't have the time to get that together and gift cards she gets all the time and just wouldn't have the same "meaning"...and once they are gone, that's it...nothing to remember her day (gift-wise, I mean).

I will get her something when I get into town.
My grandparents got me a watch

Congrats to your daughter Linda! Have a great trip!
Riverrose28 said:
Personally I would keep it simple but sentimental. I have given all four of my daughters, a locket, inscribed. It didn't cost alot of money and is a treasured keepsake, as they have told me. It doesn't have to be a locket, it could be a watch or some other trinket, but the inscription is what is important to them.
I second this! My mom always says she's at a loss as to what to get me as I'm so particular about my horse stuff but she wants whatever it is to be a surprise, and I've told her for years that what would really mean something to me is a letter from her. I want those sappy inscriptions, a locket with a picture of me and my parents, a letter from my dad telling me how proud he's been of me my whole life and what he hopes for my future. Something personalized and meaningful! But what I usually end up with is money.
Trust me, while money is a wonderful surprise, for my graduation I'd rather have had the locket.

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I've always hated getting money or a gift card, it is like saying I don't know you well enough to go out and get you something I think you might like. My mother in law would always give everyone a check, so easy, no thought involved. If I wanted to buy something I can go buy it, I want the thought behind the gift. For example the year before my mother passe she bought my yougest daughter a cheap, probaly cost about $5 carosel, plastic. My daughter is now 31 and still treasures that cheap gift. It was the thought that her grandmother knew she loved horses. It is not the cost but the thought. I've given all my daughters and daughter in law something they can treasure. They don't wear these things all the time, but they are treasured. Something as simple as a lock of babies hair goes a long way. None of us live for ever, it is the memories we leave behind.
I haven't yet figured out how to edit these responses, so I'll make anouther one. When My youngest daughter celebrated her first wedding anniversary the gift should be wood. So I bought them a dogwood tree to plant in their yard, I included a message about I hope their marrage would grow stronge like the tree, etc. It was personal. Well she planted the tree and framed the note. It sits proudly on their mantle. Every Mothers Day, Father DAy, Birthday, Etc. my kids write us something sentimental for us to treasure. In these tought economic times, gift from the heart mean so much more than a sweater, or neck tie. Pleas excuse the typos, arthritis is a mean machine. I'm sure you get my point.
I agree that a nice simple piece of jewelry would be nice. I'm sure she's not expecting much - especially knowing you're traveling so far to be with her.

Congrats on her graduation
I love Riverrose's idea. Put your thoughts about your daughter and how proud you are of her on her graduation into words. Then once she opens it and reads it, if you have time, help her find a place and have it framed for her.

I work in a framing shop part time and a couple of weeks ago a young man brought in his and his wife's wedding vows that they each wrote. I thought was a wonderful first anniversary gift. But it wasn't for their first, it was their fifth, she is expecting their second child. She doesn't even know he still has the original vows and now she is going to be so happy and he brought tears to my eyes telling us about their wedding and how he had kept the vows. I was touched and it wasn't even for me LOL. But the thought was so special. I think your daughter will think the same thing if you just put into words how you feel about her on this special day.
I like the jewelry idea, but if you wanted something practical you could also take her shopping for an interview outfit. It'd give you guys some one-on-one time together and also check one thing off her to-do list now that she's back out in "the real world."

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