Dental question

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JMS Miniatures

Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2002
Reaction score
Wentworth, MO
I got my horses teeth done yesterday and my vet noticed on my 4 year old that there was like a hook on the side like the teeth in the back didn't meet? He says its a conformation issue which really didn't matter to me none as he is a gelding as long as it doesn't affect him but he called it a parrot mouth which confused me even more because I thought that means he had an over bite but I do know he has a slight under bite. Anyways what is this called and will it affect him?
I think the Vet misspoke when the term parrot mouth was used, I think you're likely right if you see bottom incisors out ahead of uppers then that is undershot, ie; Lionel Richie.

I think the point that was trying to be made was that not only do the incisors not meet correctly, but also the molars do not meet leaving the last upper molars with nothing to grind against and leading to a hook coming down from the top.

Dr Taylor
I hope the bite has been leveled out so the horse can chew correctly and any hooks or spikes, etc... removed?
speakingnof teeth floating, are minis like big horses in the fact that some need it every year and some only every 2-3 years since they chew more evenly, etc? I am sure it is just the same, but smaller!
speakingnof teeth floating, are minis like big horses in the fact that some need it every year and some only every 2-3 years since they chew more evenly, etc? I am sure it is just the same, but smaller!
Yep! Every fall and spring shot session all of our horses (big and mini) get a full exam too. Teeth are always checked. We had one mini gelding (Cody) who didn't need his teeth done up until a year or two ago. But my little guy (Kinson) had to get them done for the first time at two and is due again now, a year later. My other gelding, Avalon, is about every other year. So long as your vet is checking to make sure their teeth are ok time between floating can vary considerably from horse to horse. Yearly, however, seems to be the standard recommendation.
Minis often to need a little more dental maintenance than big horses, as they have nearly full size teeth in a smaller head. Yearly exams are usually good, just be sure your vet or dental tech looks farther than just taking off points. Young horses may need help shedding caps and making sure things line up as they grow.

Thanks Eohippus and Wildoak!!!!
Horses should have their teeth examined once a year for horses older than 5 and twice a year for horses under 5. With horses under 5 years old, their teeth are in constant flux with new teeth coming in and deciduous (or baby) teeth being replaced by their permanent teeth. Horses will replace 24 teeth between the ages of approx. 2.5 to approx. 4.5 yrs of age. This can create issues within the mouth and even the attitude of the horse. Dental exams are extremely important for the happiness of the horse and it's owner.
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He just said he had a parrot mouth and his teeth didn't line up, I believe he said the premolars. Like I said I was confused as to what he was saying cause I thought a parrot mouth was an overbite and he has a slight underbite.

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