Well-Known Member
A couple of weeks ago I was riding in my Sis in Laws car with her and she got rear ended. Then last weekend two guys try to get me to let them in my house around 2:30am. Then yesterday Jessie had such a wonderful day walking through this shopping center here in Sparks that has a store in it that a plain ol dress you would get at Ross for $14.00 is $1,299.00. We held our breath in the store so they wouldn't charge us for the oxygen we were breathing. A $5 t-shirt was $299. We had a real good laugh. So on the way home we are less than 1 mile from our house and the police try to stop this car that was speeding and the alarm was going off. The next thing I know he is swerving from one side of the road to the other. I don't know how he did it but he spun on the rear bumper, went end over end, did some 360's and rolled sideways. The whole time I am saying "OH S**T, OH S**T, OH S**T". He is coming right at me and I guessed he was going 100mph. The top of the car came off and he stopped less than 30 feet from me. The 2 officers that had just turned theire lights on to stop him didn't even see where he went. He did hit 3 other cars but no one but him was hurt. It was such an amazing werck it has been on the news 2 days in a row. He is in the hospital in critical condition. I just can not see that this little joy ride was worth the pain he is in and the time he will do. Someone said that drugs were involved. Oh, and it was a RED CORVETTE.