Dog food?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2002
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Oklahoma City, OK
I'm looking for a large chunk dry dog food. About the size of a quarter. Anybody know who makes one that size?

My little JR who had 6 teeth pulled a week and a half ago needs a large chunk dry food that she will CHEW to eat! Part of her rotting teeth problem is that she swallows her food whole. I've been searching for a dry food with chunks about the size of a quarter (surely she'd have to chew that??), but haven't come up with anything yet. Even the large breed dog food I've found so far is in small chunks.
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Becky, Try Flint River. They have some unusually shaped food that I've gotten samples of and some of it has been square and almost quarter size. They have pictures on their website I believe. Flint River is one of the better foods too, just do a search, I can't remember the exact site.

Oops, Duh me, it's
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I can't say as I have seen food that size but a thought crossed my mind about being careful that she doesn't choke on it ? Sorry I am a little paranoid about stuff like that...had a dog get a stick caught in it's throat and it killed her. Most of my dogs bolt their food down too..I have tried alot of things to get them to slow down but nothing helped. I give them dog bones for treats( they actually chew those) and the nylon bones to chew helps somewhat.
Flint River Ranch is an amazing dog food. It is a little more pricey than others, but saves money in the long run because they eat less, and have fewer health problems. It is around nickel to quarter size, and they eat it up.
We have two 14 year young dogs with several teeth missing. They get their food soaked mostly with boiled water for ca 15 min until cold, still crispy, veggie oil over the food.

Can be soaked with broth, sauce, cooked veggies ect.

I know that Science Diet makes a large chunk food that is designed to make the dog chew it. It is for dental health. My vet uses them for treats in their hospital. I can't remember exactly what it is called, bit I do know it is Science Diet.

The science diet food is called T/D it standing for tarter diet. It can used as a complete food or as a treat. It comes in small bites or large bites ( the size of a marshmellow) it is designed to hold its shape when chewed so it can work on the tarter already on the teeth. It is rather large & will keep a dog busy. Any dog that inhails food should be watched while he eats. you can try the trick we used for gulping horses, put some large rocks in the food so they have to pick through the rocks to get to the food. I am talking fist size rocks that a dog your size cant accidently swallow.

If your dog has teeth problems, ask your vet about doggie toothpaste or special rinse to cut down the bacteria in the mouth causing the plaque & rotten teeth. your dog may also be a candidate for yearly dentals. Some dogs with really bad teeth should be on antibotics before the dental to make sure nothing nasty hits the bloodstream.

Good luck

We have two 14 year young dogs with several teeth missing. They get their food soaked mostly with boiled water for ca 15 min until cold, still crispy, veggie oil over the food.

Can be soaked with broth, sauce, cooked veggies ect.

I was going to suggest soaking as pup scarfs food and chokes when dry so I have gone to soaked food for her and biscuits, carrots, etc for chewing.

Just a bit of info to add

Research into cat dental health has shown that dry kibble is actually worse for cats teeth than canned food so most purebred cat breeders now reccomend either a canned diet or BARF type feeding programs.
Thank you guys for all of your suggestions! I did see the Science Diet food you are referring to at Pets Mart this week. I hated to buy it without actually seeing the pieces, but I do think it was larger.

My dogs vet told me to get her the largest chunk food she would eat so she would have some chewing action to help her teeth.

Lindsay, I did check out that website and it looks like they may have the right size of food too. I may try the Science Diet and see how that goes and go from there. Thanks!

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