Dwarf Fetus Develpment..?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2006
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Blairstown NJ
Thank you SO MUCH for this amazing opportunity! I hope none of these questions have been asked/answered yet!

How does the development of the dwarf fetus differ from that of a normal mini? At what point could you visually see the deformities? Could these be seen on an ultrasound? Do you have any photographs of aborted dawrfs from various stages of development? At what point in development can you see the type/severity of dwarfism?

Thank you very, very much!

"How does the development of the dwarf fetus differ from that of a normal mini? At what point could you visually see the deformities? Could these be seen on an ultrasound? Do you have any photographs of aborted dawrfs from various stages of development? At what point in development can you see the type/severity of dwarfism? "

To answer your first question, I do not know. I would believe it would be smilar to dwarf development seen in other mammals, ie cows, humans.

I do not know when you are first able to see the deformities. That could be a whole separate PhD degree.

It would take utrasounding hundreds of foals, with 3-D, 4-D and even MRI at all stages and then seeing which ones born are dwarfs and which arent and then go back and compare measurements. In humans these things are known, with hundreds of thousands of cases documented and use of high power and high cost equipment. Unfortunately, only a hand full of vets in the world have these luxury pieces of equipment, and I dont see anyone lining up to pay for a study like this, sorry. It would take thousands of man hourse and very knowledeable vets and researchers all over, one vet or researcher could never do it.

I do have photos of dwarfs at varies stages of gestation, but I cannot show them here, sorry. Severity and type is usualy seen later in gestation except for type 4, it is lethal early. Some of the types though are not distinguishable during early or even late gestation. It is not until a few weks to months before it becomes evident which type it really is, this is due to the differences in the bone growth mutations.

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